Subject: Awakening to who you really are

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
This week's Energetic Forecast:

Can you feel the mercury retrograde?  We are in that fun energetic mix until June 11th!  Sometimes we forget that mercury retrograde is not just about electronics going haywire and nothing working "right." It is meant to slow you down to integrate your past into your present and future.  Mercury is the messenger.  When he appears to go backwards (and this is only an appearance from our vantage point,) he is mining the past for nuggets and messages of wisdom.  We also just had a new moon in Taurus, helping us to get grounded--a nice touch in the midst of these energies and one of total necessity! 

Awakening to who you really are.  What does this even mean? :) We can start by a process of elimination and who/what you are NOT, this is known as self-inquiry. You are not your foot or hand, though it is a part of your body, You are not your body though it is a part or piece of your current expression, you are not your thoughts which come and go as they dance through your brain, you are not your feelings although you feel them coming and going.  You are not your job, your role in society, your relationship roles, how much money you make, your struggles, your issues, your wounds..well then what the hell are you?  When we strip everything away as one might see happening in something like a near death experience, we see the light, and what we truly are.  At different moments in our life we have glimpses of true and pure awareness of the divine.  That my loves is truly who you are.  It has always been what you are, and one of the major tasks of a lifetime (or many) is to come to that realization, not as an intellectual concept, but as an experience.  

Client Story: One of the joys that I experience working with clients is helping to facilitate their awakening process.  Two of the services that I offer, reiki energy work, and spiritual path coaching with meditation instruction and guidance, serve to support that opening.  Clients see me with all kinds of problems: heartbreak, health issues, even self hatred.  But when they take the time to plug back into the divine and their true nature, a healing of some kind happens.  Even clients with severe emotional problems have opened to the divine within and discovered their true nature.  When that happens, healing is always possible. :) 


Due to schedule conflict, the Soul Connection and Sacred Relationship Seminar starring Lee and Sherry of Relationship Reinvented we will be re-scheduled to a later date, stay tuned for details!

Register for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 27-Aug 3rd. 

Webinars. To purchase and view these webinars: Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, Psychic Development 101, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 1, Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, or Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames, and Soul Connections, Part 2, click

Monthly Subscription to Wednesday Webinar Whizdom!  For $19.99/month you enjoy unlimited access to all previous webinars listed above AND all future webinars in the series (2x month.) You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars and goodies for subscribers.  

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


Through getting into a space of silence and self reflection, the still small voice of the intuition begins to grow.  This opens the door to divine guidance and infinite knowledge, understanding and comfort. Intuition is support from the divine and your higher self.  Be patient and listen to its wisdom and you will be helped.

If only we were awakened then we would be empowered to make changes in our life, right? In part.  Begin thinking of yourself first and foremost as the higher self that you are, brimming with potential and infinite capacity. Cultivate meditation and coming into touch with that spirit that you are.  From there you derive the strength and power to complete your mission here on earth and fulfill your life's purpose.  

  The energy of awakening itself is pure love, pure awareness, pure wisdom and pure understanding.  It is the most beautiful thing in life you can experience.  Once you know the truth, you can forget here and there, but you can also always remember!  Close your eyes and sink into a space of peace, even if only for a few minutes, this will help you to go beyond the story of yourself and others in your mind.  The battle or war within then can stop and you can see things much more clearly.  
Soul Connections & Awakening to Who You Really Are

In many soul connection situations, the point is spiritual awakening.  Some of them exist for no other purpose or lesson than to get you to understand this world is a divine place.  This is especially true for those who have not yet tasted this realization in this lifetime.  As such it is a most profound gift that opens you to a whole new way of seeing the world.

Before your soul connection, did you know that it was possible for someone to love your soul?  Did you know that it was possible to love someone with all of their perceived flaws and vices, unconditionally?  Did you know that there was a divine form of this beautiful love here on earth, and that a human such as yourself could be the bringer of this light to another?

To some degree and in an infinite variety of ways, each soul connection can help you to wake up, if you choose to listen to how it calls you to do this.  Maybe it has opened you to be, or accept, your spiritual side, more.  Maybe simply through its baffling synchronicities you have come to see the order in this splendid universe.  Maybe it has cracked open your heart so all the pain it held can come flooding out, making space for peace, healing, and joy.  Maybe it has mirrored back to you things you want to work with and grow from.  Maybe in your soul connections eyes, you saw you loving yourself for the first time.  

This is who you really are.  ;)
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom

May 27th--Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 3, 8pm EST. $11.11, register here
June 10th--Transformational Change as Spiritual Growth, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned

June 24th--Psychic Development, Part 2, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned


June 28--Sterling Yoga Spirit Fair, stay tuned

Schedule a 1 hour reading and receive a free 20 minute reiki session in my awesome, spa like office (same day.)  Mention when scheduling.

Valid for scheduled appointments at my office only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development 

call for address, Pittsburgh, PA 15112, United States
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