Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin


by the Revd Dr William Lamb

Since reopening for public worship following the first lockdown, we have used Eventbrite to enable people to register their attendance at services. This has enabled us to monitor numbers (particularly during periods when the restrictions were tight) and to ensure that we were able to retain contact details for 'track and trace' purposes for a period of 21 days following the service. 

Now that the University Term has ended, we have decided to stop using Eventbrite for advance registration for services at St Mary’s. This follows a similar arrangement for the 8.30am service in recent weeks. In future, you will not need to book in advance at the 10.30am Sung Eucharist. We are fortunate in having such a large building which affords plenty of space and we have worked hard to ensure that we can increase capacity while remaining within government guidelines. Obviously, people will need to continue to sit in those designated places when directed by the stewards. At the same time, everyone will need to continue wearing masks (unless they have an exemption). We will need to maintain social distancing within the building. Thank you for your patience and cooperation with this. 

At the same time, we need to ensure that we collect ’track and trace’ details. On arrival, you will be asked to fill in a form at the door to register your attendance or you may simply use the NHS App and the QR code printed at the door and in the Order of Service to register your attendance. This will enable Public Health England to contact you in the event that a person attending a service tests positive for COVID. 

Obviously, we will keep these arrangements under review. We have made huge strides since the introduction of the vaccination programme, but we cannot afford to be complacent. We want to make sure that those attending services at St Mary’s can worship freely. At the same time, we need to keep everyone safe.

Sunday 20 June: The Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday Services

There will be two services on Sunday 20 June.

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel. Preacher: The Revd Dr John Findon, Honorary Chaplain.

Those attending this service no longer need to register in advance. On arrival, please confirm your attendance by giving your contact details to the stewards.

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave. Preacher: The Revd Dr Shaun Henson, Chaplain of St Hugh’s College.

Register Here

This service is livestreamed.

On the day of the service, please remember to arrive in good time to ensure everyone gets seated in a safe and organised manner before the beginning of the service. It is a legal requirement to wear a mask when attending our services, unless you are exempt.

Registration for services on Sunday 27 June:

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

Those attending this service no longer need to register in advance. On arrival, please confirm your attendance by giving your contact details to the stewards.

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

Those attending this service no longer need to register in advance. On arrival, please confirm your attendance by giving your contact details to the stewards.

Summer Services at St Mary's

Along with the 8.30am and 10.30am services, on Sunday 11, 18, 25 July, there will be Choral Evensong at 5.00pm at St Mary’s. Please make a note in your diary. Advance booking will not be required but you will need to register when you arrive with the NHS app or by giving your details to the stewards. On Sundays in August, there will be an Organ Recital at 3.30pm.

Online Worship:

Every Sunday, we livestream the 10.30am service on our YouTube channel.

Please subscribe to our social media channels to ensure you see the videos in your newsfeed and you are alerted to all our other online events coming in Hilary term.

Book your visit to the Tower online

The Tower is now open and you can book a ticket online for your visit at the link below. You can find more information as well as our Terms & Conditions on our website.

Online Bookings


Pilgrimage Saturday 19 June

Do come on a local pilgrimage! A chance to be with people in the great outdoors. We will be setting out from Swinford Lock at 11am on Saturday 19th June, and following the Thames Path to Port Meadow. We will have a picnic lunch near Godstow Abbey, and then walk on to St Mary’s. The walk will be about 7 miles and is relatively flat. Everyone is very welcome

– do let us know if you are planning to come. You can get to the Lock on the S1 bus from George Street, Oxford. For further information or just to let us know that you are coming, email Susannah Reide:

Gardening Day at Holywell Cemetery

The next gardening day at Holywell Cemetery will take place on Saturday 10 July. You don’t have to be an experienced gardener to help. We can also supply garden equipment and wooden spatulas (to help remove the ivy from the gravestones). It is a lovely way to spend a morning with lots of fresh air and some socially-distanced company. Please email Will Lamb: if you would like to join us.

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