Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin


by Alice Willington

A long time ago, I spent two years working as College Secretary at St Stephen’s House. My office was down the corridor from the Chapel and in my first few months there, I became aware of the ordinands going in for Evening Prayer at the end of each day. One day I decided to attend. I walked in, and one of the ordinands found me a stall and helped me with the books. As I sat down, I felt something completely unexpected. I felt, in a very physical way, that I had taken my place. I was welcome. The ordinands kept that same stall for me for whenever I could attend.

The word “welcome” comes from Old English: wilcuma, or “a person whose coming is pleasing.” The church is meant to be a place of welcome: each person who comes should be pleasing to us. However, church is also difficult. One friend’s response to Ephesians Ch. 4 v. 32 (“be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving each other”) was, “Yeah, right, get real.” We are not always welcome with each other, we do not always like each other, we may find each other displeasing.

But there is something about arriving at a church service, taking our place in a pew and settling our minds for worship which recalls us to God and to each other, even if our only motivation for turning up is stubbornness and pride. Perhaps one way into this is the verse in Ephesians which precedes v.32. V.31 says, “Put away from you all bitterness.” There is strength in the phrase, “Put away,” a deliberate choice to lay the difficulties aside as we prepare for worship.

We are welcome with God, always, no matter what. John Ch.14 v. 2: “My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” But this isn’t quite the final word. God asks us to remember that all others are welcome too, always, no matter what: an immeasurably better reality than anything we could ask for or imagine.

Appointment of the New Assistant Priest

The Revd Hannah Cartwright, Assistant Curate of Littlemore, has been appointed as the new Assistant Priest at St Mary’s. This appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of DBS checks. She will start mid September. We look forward to welcoming Hannah and her family to the University Church. Please keep her in your prayers as she prepares to join us.

Sunday 13 June: The Second Sunday after Trinity

Sunday Services

There will be two services on Sunday 13 June.

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

Those attending this service no longer need to register in advance. On arrival, please confirm your attendance by giving your contact details to the stewards.

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

Register Here

This service is livestreamed.

On the day of the service, please remember to arrive in good time to ensure everyone gets seated in a safe and organised manner before the beginning of the service. It is a legal requirement to wear a mask when attending our services, unless you are exempt.

Registration for services on Sunday 20 June:

8.30am - Holy Eucharist in the Chancel

Those attending this service no longer need to register in advance. On arrival, please confirm your attendance by giving your contact details to the stewards.

10.30am - Sung Eucharist in the Nave

Register Here

Summer Services at St Mary's

Along with the 8.30am and 10.30am services, on Sunday 11, 18, 25 July, there will be Choral Evensong at 5.00pm at St Mary’s. Please make a note in your diary. Advance booking will not be required but you will need to register when you arrive with the NHS app or by giving your details to the stewards. On Sundays in August, there will be an Organ Recital at 3.30pm.

Online Worship:

Every Sunday, we livestream the 10.30am service on our YouTube channel.

Please subscribe to our social media channels to ensure you see the videos in your newsfeed and you are alerted to all our other online events coming in Hilary term.

Book your visit to the Tower online

The Tower is now open and you can book a ticket online for your visit at the link below. You can find more information as well as our Terms & Conditions on our website.

Online Bookings


Poetry Hour

Join us for an hour of the consolation and insight of poetry on Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30pm on Zoom. This week we are reading poems by Seamus Heaney. Please write to the administrator if you would like to be added to this distribution list.

Pilgrimage Saturday 19 June

Do come on a local pilgrimage! A chance to be with people in the great outdoors. We will be setting out from Swinford Lock at 11am on Saturday 19th June, and following the Thames Path to Port Meadow. We will have a picnic lunch near Godstow Abbey, and then walk on to St Mary’s. The walk will be about 7 miles and is relatively flat. Everyone is very welcome

– do let us know if you are planning to come. You can get to the Lock on the S1 bus from George Street, Oxford. For further information or just to let us know that you are coming, email Susannah Reide:

Gardening Day at Holywell Cemetery

The next gardening day at Holywell Cemetery will take place on Saturday 10 July. You don’t have to be an experienced gardener to help. We can also supply garden equipment and wooden spatulas (to help remove the ivy from the gravestones). It is a lovely way to spend a morning with lots of fresh air and some socially-distanced company. Please email Will Lamb: if you would like to join us.

Bible Study:

Thursdays 29 April - 17 June, 12.45pm - 1.30pm

In the course of Trinity Term, we will be exploring the Book of Genesis through the resources provided by the Visual Commentary on Scripture. Bible Study takes place on Zoom. Please email to sign up to the mailing list for our online events.

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