Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

A time of grieving and remembering

by the Revd Susannah Reide


I work in one of the colleges, and was anxious in anticipation of the Michaelmas Term beginning.  Although we had taken all sorts of precautions and made contingency plans, I found it hard to imagine what our new life together would be like.  In the event, I have mostly loved having the students back.  It has been so good to see them, talk to them and renew our common life together in person. The fact of being back in college after several months away made me realise how much I had missed being in the same place together.


So the pleasure in being back has emphasised the loss and separation which we have gone through. I wanted to find a way to express this, so next week we are having a Service of Grieving and Remembering.  This takes inspiration from the traditional All Souls’ services at this time of year, but we are widening it to include the lost plans and hopes which we had for this year. People will have experienced a wide range of losses, including loss of health and loss of income, so we are creating a space for this to be acknowledged and offered to God.


I find there is a curious solidarity in grief, and it can be very helpful to know that you are not alone in feeling a sense of loss and disorientation. May God bless us as we navigate our way through these strange times.


Revd Susannah Reide

Chaplain and Welfare Link

Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford

Sunday, 1 November 2020: The Feast of All Saints

Sunday Services

There will be two services on Sunday 1 November, one at 8.30am and one at 10.30am. 

Those attending must have registered on Eventbrite to ensure that we have your contact details for test and trace, and to ensure that we maintain social distancing.

Click the link below for Upcoming Services in order to register for Sunday 1 November

Registration will be open for services on Sunday 8 November 2020 at 11am on Sunday 1 November.

University Church Online

We will release our video cast on Sunday around 11.00am. Catering for those who need to shield at home, the video will include a recording of the Eucharist as well as music recorded virtually by the University Church Choir.

You can watch the video cast on our YouTube channel, on Facebook or on our website on Sundays.

You can also listen to it on our Soundcloud.

If you would like to be added to our online events mailing list, please fill in our Keeping in Touch form.


In light of the announcement that Oxford is now under Tier 2 restrictions and until further notice, we have amended our new opening times as follows:

Monday - Friday

9am - 9.30am - Morning Prayer

Sunday - Wednesday

12pm - 5pm - Church and Tower open for visitors and private prayer.

Thursday - Saturday

9.30am - 5pm - Church and Tower open for visitors and private prayer.

These opening times are now in effect and will be reflected on the Tower booking system and on our signage online and around the building.

Book your visit to the Tower online

We are very pleased to announce that you can now purchase a ticket to visit the Tower online or at the welcome desk at the High St entrance.

You can find more information as well as our Terms & Conditions on our website.

Online Bookings


Poetry Hour

Join us for an hour of the consolation and insight of poetry. This term we are looking at the human body in poetry and this week we will be looking at the human body as landscape.

Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30 pm on Zoom.  

Holywell Cemetery Gardening Day - CANCELLED

From the Vicar:

With the arrival of Tier 2, I have decided that it would be wise to postpone our gardening day in Holywell Cemetery until we have returned to Tier 1. We recognise that we will need to put a risk assessment in place for Tier 2. It may be possible for smaller groups of six to work in the Cemetery from time to time but we will need to ensure that all the necessary protocols are in place. (That said, the weather forecast says that it is going to be pouring with rain tomorrow and perhaps it might be better for us to wait a while!)

With thanks to all those who were planning to come and for everyone’s support during these challenging times.

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