Subject: News from the University Church

Speaking of Universities

by the Revd Canon Dr William Lamb


Higher education is in the news again. The government has promised to cap numbers on what its ministers describe as ‘rip-off’ university degrees that don’t lead to a well-paid, highly skilled job. Described by some commentators as ‘a dismally narrow and instrumental view of higher education’, it is intriguing that when challenged the government was not able to offer any particular examples. 

The current state of play provokes some reflection on The Idea of a University by John Henry Newman, who was Vicar of St Mary’s from 1828-1843. Newman’s work is a clear expression of the principles of a liberal education. I suspect that he would have been appalled by the thought that the value of education should be measured solely in terms of its economic benefits. For Newman, there had to be a moral dimension: ‘If then a practical end must be assigned to a University course, I say it is that of training good members of society... It is the education which gives a person a clear, conscious view of their own opinions and judgements, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them. It teaches them to see things as they are, to go right to the point, to disentangle a skein of thought to detect what is sophistical and to discard what is irrelevant.’ 

In his book, Speaking of Universities, the Cambridge academic Stefan Collini notes that Newman’s book has been followed by a steady stream of books and essays addressing the same topic. There is a recurrent, almost repetitive, pattern: a protest against the current subordination of universities to economic or other utilitarian purposes. Again and again, the ‘ideal’ is contrasted with the ‘instrumental’ understanding of higher education. Collini asks: ‘why is it that all the celebrated statements seem to be on just one side of this divide? Has no deathless prose been written about the aims of servicing the economy or training the workforce, and is that because the forces of social and economic change are seen as their own vindication, not in need of any such rhetorical assistance?’ 

Certainly, with changes in the world of work, questions about the role of artificial intelligence, a bewildering array of questions about human identity, and the extraordinary developments in medical and scientific research, we need to improve the quality of the conversation about the role of Universities. Newman would have expected nothing less. 

Livestreamed Services

at the University Church

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Join us for the next in our series of our summer Choral Evensongs according to the Book of Common Prayer, sung by the University Church Choir, to which we are delighted to be welcoming The Red Heather Leppard, Anglican Chaplain, Oxford Brookes University, as our preacher. The service draws on Scripture and the ancient monastic offices of Vespers and Compline, offering a simple, elegant framework for reflection and prayer.


We think it's time for a picnic and, if you'd like to join us for some food and playtime in Florence Park, then bring a blanket and a tasty picnic lunch and meet Hannah at the Florence Park cafe entrance at 10.30am on Wednesday 2nd August for the kids to enjoy the playground together. After some playtime we can find a shady spot to eat. If you can't see us in the park on the day just call 07885719780.


Join Katherine Wodehouse, Print Room Manager at the Western Art Print Room at the Ashmolean Museum, for 'An Evening with Vouet' in the University Church, speaking on the painting above the High Altar in the Chancel: 'The Virgin & Child' by Simon Vouet. Book your ticket here.


We are especially busy over the summer months welcoming visitors to the University Church as people from all over the world come to explore this historic and beautiful building and to seek a quiet place for prayer and reflection. We looking to recruit some more welcomer volunteers, especially to help over the summer period, to join our dedicated team. It is a really enjoyable and social role in which you also get to learn more about the history of this great building and to extend the hospitality of St Mary’s to our many tourists and pilgrims. If you think you might be interested in giving few hours a week and would like to talk about the role, please email


Leading worship is a whole-church activity. When we gather and welcome others, it takes many people to play a part in ministries of service, coordination, prayer and administration. If you would like to find out more about assisting on Sundays and at special services, especially as part of the serving, stewarding, intercessors or eucharistic assistants’ teams please contact Hannah for an informal conversation:

If you would like to support the ministry of the University Church, you may wish to make a cash donation at the offertory or via the contactless card machine by the High Street entrance. You can also make a donation online (please use the QR code) through the Parish Giving Scheme or by sending a text: Text "SMV X" to 70085 to donate £X. E.g.: "SMV 5" to 70085 will donate £5.00. Texts cost £X plus one standard rate message. Thank you!

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