Subject: News from the University Church

Such good things as pass our understanding

by the Revd Naomi Gardom

In Marilynne Robinson’s novel Gilead, two elderly clergy discuss what they think heaven might be like. One of them says ‘Mainly I just think about the splendours of the world and multiply by two. I'd multiply by ten or twelve if I had the energy.’ This week’s collect encourages us to do a similar bit of thinking, but reminds us that whatever we find ourselves imagining will inevitably come up woefully short: it tells us that God has prepared for us ‘such good things as pass our understanding’, and that God’s promises ‘exceed all that we can desire’. God’s abundance is so immense that we cannot even begin to grasp it, even if we have the energy to multiply by ten or by twelve.


If we are destined to fail, what then is the point of attempting to grasp the enormity of God’s promises? One reason for doing so is to remind ourselves of what Robinson calls ‘the splendours of the world’: we may not be able to grasp what is to come, but we can pay better attention to the good things that God has given us in the here-and-now. Once we start looking for them and thanking God for them, we find that they are everywhere, in the intricacies of the natural world, the small pleasures of life, and the love of those around us. By paying attention to these things, we are also reminded that, even if God’s promises do ‘exceed all that we can desire’, the greatest promise of all has already come to fulfilment in this life: the earthly life and death of Jesus Christ. He, too, saw the beauty of the passing seasons, made jokes, and enjoyed meals with friends. He is the link between ‘the splendours of the world’ and the ‘good things’ that ‘exceed all that we can desire’. If it’s the case that God has got much more in store for us, we can also be sure that time spent appreciating the good things we have right now is not time wasted, because it brings us closer and closer to Christ.

Livestreamed Services

at the University Church

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Join us for our summer Choral Evensongs according to the Book of Common Prayer, to which we are delighted to be welcoming The Revd Dr Jeffrey Crittenden, Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Huron College, Western University, London, Ontario who will speak on: ‘Leisure and Early Christian Community’. The service draws on Scripture and the ancient monastic offices of Vespers and Compline, offering a simple, elegant framework for reflection and prayer.


We are especially busy over the summer months welcoming visitors to the University Church as people from all over the world come to explore this historic and beautiful building and to seek a quiet place for prayer and reflection. We looking to recruit some more welcomer volunteers, especially to help over the summer period, to join our dedicated team. It is a really enjoyable and social role in which you also get to learn more about the history of this great building and to extend the hospitality of St Mary’s to our many tourists and pilgrims. If you think you might be interested in giving few hours a week and would like to talk about the role, please email


Leading worship is a whole-church activity. When we gather and welcome others, it takes many people to play a part in ministries of service, coordination, prayer and administration. If you would like to find out more about assisting on Sundays and at special services, especially as part of the serving, stewarding, intercessors or eucharistic assistants’ teams please contact Hannah for an informal conversation:

If you would like to support the ministry of the University Church, you may wish to make a cash donation at the offertory or via the contactless card machine by the High Street entrance. You can also make a donation online (please use the QR code) through the Parish Giving Scheme or by sending a text: Text "SMV X" to 70085 to donate £X. E.g.: "SMV 5" to 70085 will donate £5.00. Texts cost £X plus one standard rate message. Thank you!

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