Subject: News from the University Church

Summer Evensong

by Robert Howarth, Director of Music

It is a huge privilege to be able to direct the music for the Evensongs in the University Church because of the church's association with Thomas Cranmer, who devised the Book of Common Prayer. We also get to hold these services in the Chancel, where the choir would have sung from in years gone by. There is a beautiful intimacy when Evensong is sung in the Chancel, and the acoustic is much better; the Chancel has beautiful wood panelling which really keeps the sound alive.

Choosing repertoire can be challenging as the organ is very much positioned to play for Nave services, and the connection to the Chancel is cut off. As a result, I choose a lot of unaccompanied music, but there are times when we use the organ, which can be very effective. I like to use a combination of classic Tudor music (Byrd, Gibbons, Weelkes) alongside more contemporary composers (Ives, Jackson, Moeran). I try to ensure that the introits and anthems celebrate and reflect the liturgical year which always adds not only variety in the repertoire, but also enhances our sense of where we are in the liturgical calendar. This Summer we will be programming a number of choral items by William Byrd to mark the 400th anniversary of his death on 4th July 1623.

We sing our Psalms to classical western chants, and always sing full Preces and Responses. For our summer series of Evensongs there will be Responses by Byrd and Smith, Canticles by Gibbons, Weelkes and Farrant, and motets by Bach, Bruckner, Stainer, Wood, Vaughan-Williams, Byrd, and Harris. We look forward to welcoming you to Evensong on the Sundays of July at 3.30pm.

Livestreamed Services

at the University Church

We livestream our 10.30am Sung Eucharist every Sunday.

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Join us for the first of our summer Choral Evensongs according to the Book of Common Prayer, to which we are delighted to be welcoming a series of guest preachers and speakers. This week we welcome The Revd Dr Susan Bridge, Associate Chaplain of New College, Oxford. The service draws on Scripture and the ancient monastic offices of Vespers and Compline, offering a simple, elegant framework for reflection and prayer.


From 3pm, Churches Together in Central Oxford invite you to bring a picnic to the garden of the Quaker Meeting House. There will be a short time of prayer at 3.30pm, including a prayer activity accessible to people of all ages. Cake and drinks will be provided, and the gathering will move indoors if the weather is bad.


As part of the Oxford Festival of the Arts, three performances at 16.30, 18.30 and 20.30 will take place in St Mary's based on the tableaux vivants technique, this theatrical performance is a work of great visual impact heightened by extreme simplicity in its production created by Ludovica Rambelli. Twenty-three of Caravaggio's best canvases will be recreated by the actors, using only their bodies and a few props, such as draped fabrics and other everyday objects. See website for more details and booking.


Leading worship is a whole-church activity. When we gather and welcome others, it takes many people to play a part in ministries of service, coordination, prayer and administration. If you would like to find out more about assisting on Sundays and at special services, especially as part of the serving, stewarding, intercessors or eucharistic assistants’ teams please contact Hannah for an informal conversation:

If you would like to support the ministry of the University Church, you may wish to make a cash donation at the offertory or via the contactless card machine by the High Street entrance. You can also make a donation online (please use the QR code) through the Parish Giving Scheme or by sending a text: Text "SMV X" to 70085 to donate £X. E.g.: "SMV 5" to 70085 will donate £5.00. Texts cost £X plus one standard rate message. Thank you!

Events elsewhere

Littlemore Summer Festival
Saturday 8 July, Littlemore Church,1-6pm

Dance, music and poetry around the theme of Equality and Social Justice. The festival is free and open to everyone! If you would like to join in with our scratch choir just turn up on Friday at 7pm at the church.

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