Subject: REGISTER TODAY: Special intraprofessional event, Fridays at the University, and more

Learning for Life

Two special FREE CPD events with Dr. Shiphra Ginsburg!

9:00 – 11:00 am Workshop
Challenges in Workplace Based Assessment and Feedback
Room 500 John Buhler Research Centre
This intraprofessional event will be of value to anyone in the health care field responsible for assessment and feedback.

12:00 – 1:00 pm Lecture
Understanding Professionalism and the Hidden Curriculum in Medical Education

Frederic Gaspard Theatre & available via livestream

Everyone is welcome, however this session will be of most value to those in medicine.

Upcoming Sessions:
November 2 - Basic Cardiac Life Support

All Skills Workshops are accredited for 3 credits per hour - earn up to 9 credits in one session!
Upcoming dates:
December 6 - Limited spaces remaining

Office of Continuing Competency and Assessment
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences | 
University of Manitoba
260 - 727 McDermot Avenue, Winnipeg, R3E 3P5, Canada
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