Subject: What does our ministry of Bible translation look like?


What does our ministry of Bible translation look like? What is Bible translation for the Roma, why do we do it, how do we do it, and for whom do we do it?

We have recorded a video and written a blog post to share a passage of Scripture with you, and at the same time, to show you, in a small way, some of the questions we ask and challenges we face, and fun things we get to learn when we translate the Bible.

What I do here is show you some of the ins and outs, the nuts and bolts, of Bible translation, to explain how it works, as we work our way through a passage of Scripture. We look at a Bible passage through the eyes of a Roma person. Imagine that you are, for example, a Roma who has never read the Bible before in your mother tongue, and you are encountering our passage for the first time. Let’s say you are a young lady who only finished elementary school, you rarely read a book, and you have never been to church. Let’s give you a name, “Džemila“.

To watch the video, listen to the audio, or read the post, go here.


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