Subject: Thanksgiving celebrations; progress in translating Gospel of Luke in 5 Roma languages



December 2020, part 1

Pam, the pilgrim, on Thanksgiving with Ariela & her cousin

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us!

Due to the increase in COVID cases and the health condition of Todd’s parents, we had to cancel going to Oklahoma City for Thanksgiving. (Todd’s dad, Max, has a very compromised immune system due to chemotherapy for colon cancer). But we enjoyed a rare treat of having Thanksgiving locally in Kansas City and celebrating with Pam’s sister, Kim Sharp, and family. Everyone worked hard on cooking and baking (see pictures below). We truly have a lot for which to be thankful!

Pam & sister, Kim, made a wonderful Thanksgiving feast

Ariela did a great job making pecan pies

    Daniel did an amazing job making pumpkin pies

COVID is very bad these days in Croatia and Serbia so travel is restricted as well as group meetings. Below, you can see screen shots from the Zoom meetings we have been having as we check and edit the translations of Luke in the five Roma languages.

Arli translators, Alen, Kada & Sasha

Chergash translators, Biljana & Djena (off screen)

Gurbet translators, Goran & Naki

Bayash translators, Renata & Natasha

Ludari translator, Zoki (Stanoja not present)

We are also excited that the teams are continuing their work to make audio recordings of Luke in four of the languages.

Roki in Serbia recording Luke in the Gurbet language

Thank you all for your love, prayers and financial support as we continue on with Bible translation for the Roma. We are very thankful for all of YOU!

Todd & Pamala


To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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