Subject: Pam's surgery; Kirsten's 17th birthday; Dad's memorial; Mom's care

  1. Please pray for Pamala’s hysterectomy tomorrow (Thursday 2/18) morning, that the Lord would be merciful in that the surgery would be successful, there would be neither blood clots nor anemia, that Pam would stay safe and have no infections, and that she would quickly heal.

  2. Valentine’s Day was Kirsten’s 17th birthday! We celebrate her, and thank God for the gift she is. Pray for her as she is taking a full load of college classes at Calvary University (dual enrolled as a high school student) and works at Target. Pray she will love the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength every day of her life.

Kirsten turned sweet 17 on Valentine's Day

3. Thank you for your prayers for us and kind words in light of my dad’s death on 2/11. We were able to have a family-only memorial at his and Mom’s house so Mom could attend. It was a rich time of Scripture reading, prayer, singing and sharing memories and funny stories about my dad. He would have really liked it! We needed to hold the memorial the day after he passed away, so that Pam and I and the kids could leave Oklahoma City and get back to KC for her surgery before the huge winter storm hit OKC. We’re very thankful for traveling safety. You can read his obituary, written by my sister, Tracey, here, or the one written by the funeral home and me, here. (We will hold a memorial at Spring Creek Baptist Church at a date TBD, when weather and COVID protocols allow, and we will be sure to livestream it.)

4. My mom has Parkinson’s disease and is homebound. Dad was her main caretaker, serving her 24/7, and now that he is gone, my sister, Tracey, is caring for her and I will be going to OKC as soon as Pam has had time to recover from her surgery. Please pray for my mom to be able to grieve and process Dad’s death. And please pray that we can find 24/7 care for her, whether that is in-home or in a facility. Due to finances, it will need to be fully covered by Medicaid and Medicare. Until then, please also pray for volunteers to be with Mom when Tracey or I need a break.


Todd, Geri Price, Tracey

Ariela and Todd's mom, Geri Price

Ariela, Pamala, Mom (holding the Valentine's card Ariela made her), Todd, Daniel, at Mom and Dad's home in Oklahoma City

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