Subject: Kirsten graduating; Prices moving to Belton, MO; training Roma in Bible translation (The Prices Write, May 2022)

Kirsten (18) graduates from home school high school and with her Associate of Arts degree (Ministry Studies) from Calvary University, Kansas City, MO, May 7, 2022. Congratulations, Kirsten and praise to God! After May she plans to be living on her own in KC and working.

Shout out to our friend, Patrick Berthof (, and my brother-in-law, Dan Sharp (, who are putting in insulation, drywall and electrical wiring in Daniel’s (14) bedroom, and in the sunroom of the house we bought in Belton, MO. We’re so grateful for their kindness & hard work!

Ariela (10) is getting baptized this month! Todd will do the honors at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church. This week she has her final performance with her American Dance group. (She is third from the left in this picture.)

Pam’s mom, Barbie Hughes (91), lives just minutes away from our home in Belton. Driving her for errands and doctors’ appointments is a privilege. Todd visits his mom, Geri Price, in the nursing home in Oklahoma City about once a month. She is content there, though not mobile. (Pictured with Ariela.)

The Roma Bible translation teams for the Arli, Gurbet and Chergash languages met recently in Vukovar, Croatia, for a week of intense training, taking classes on the principles and process of Bible translation (pictured above). Todd will be grading their work at the end of this month. They are also currently working on editing the draft translations of the Gospel of Matthew in these languages Todd will be meeting with them over Skype to check these with them chapter by chapter as they are ready.

I recently read to Ariela a biography of Mary Slessor (cover picture above), who was a missionary to Africa for 40 years in the mid-1800s. At the end of the book, the author concludes: “The key to Mary Slessor’s life was prayer. She called it ‘the greatest power God has put into our hands.’ She herself believed that she had been used more than most because she had so many friends who prayed for her.” We are blessed to have you as our friends and we covet your prayers, that God will do great things and glorify His name through His translated Word among the Roma. Thank you for praying; please continue to do so!

Todd & Pamala Price
(Kirsten, Daniel & Ariela)

P.S. Please pray for a smooth move this month, especially May 14, when we move the furniture to the new house.

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