Subject: "Jesus is Lord" booklet completed, 1st Scripture ever in this dialect!

"Jesus is Lord" booklet finished, 1st Scripture ever in this dialect           View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Cover of the booklet, "Jesus is Lord"
Spread of 2 pages showing Luke 15:11-13

I just wrote the following update for the missions moment at our home church and I wanted to share it with all of you. It includes praise items and prayer requests:

1. We praise God that the first Scripture portion ever in a Roma (Gypsy) dialect spoken by about 3,000 people in southern Hungary has been completed. It contains 5 passages of Scripture from the Gospel of Luke. Above are two pictures of this 36-page booklet, showing the front cover, as well as two pages which have the Scriptures in Hungarian Munteon Bayash on the left (a Gypsy dialect) and the same Scriptures in the Hungarian language on the right. This is to encourage its use by those who speak both languages and to encourage these Roma to begin reading in their Roma dialect.

a. Praise God with us that this translation project is completed.

b. Pray that it will soon be printed and distributed in the villages (500 copies)

c. Pray for the Lord to use it to open the eyes of these Roma to the Gospel and draw the people to Himself.
2.       Pray for Pamala as she teaches Sunday school to the elementary age students at Danube International Church were we attend in Budapest (pictured above).
a.       Pray the children will be attentive and learn God’s Word.

b.       Pray for Pam and the other teachers as they prepare.

3. We also praise God for work that is getting done on the draft of a whole New Testament in a Roma (Gypsy) dialect in Croatia (South Slavic Ardilean Bayash) spoken by about 150,000 people. Here is a picture of the beginning of Mark 1 as it has been entered into our translation program as a draft.

a.       Pray for the technicalities of getting this inputted and formatted correctly.

b.       Pray for about 15 chapters which have not been translated yet that they can be completed soon.

c.       Pray that we can train several Roma who speak that language to begin working on checking the translation and editing it for accuracy, clarity, naturalness and acceptability.

d.       Pray for the Roma believers and churches to be involved in the project with enthusiasm and unity.

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership!
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Orlando, FL 32832
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Please designate for account 110250
for Todd & Pamala Price
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