Subject: How much of the pie is eaten so far?

Thank you for your faithful prayers for the work of Bible translation! The pie chart above illustrates how much progress the teams have made in completing the translation of the New Testament in three Roma languages (Arli, Chergash and Gurbet). We've completed 56%, are in the middle of doing another 11% and have 33% that we have not yet started. The breakdown of individual NT books is given below.

We are thrilled with the progress and thankful for the Lord's strength to keep working day-in and day-out on the joyful task of translating God's Word.

Each week we meet as translation teams over Zoom with a goal of completing 62 verses in each of the three languages. We are currently working on the Gospel of John and are in the middle of chapter 5.

As each book is completed, it is published online in the YouVersion app. Above are screenshots from Matthew 6, including the Lord's prayer, in the three languages. Additionally, the books are being recorded and will be published in audio format online soon.

Thank you all for praying for me while I attended the biennial Bible Translation Conference in Dallas, TX. My replacement computer arrived to our house just hours before I needed to leave for the airport to travel to the conference. This was a huge answer to prayer since my laptop had died and I needed a computer at the conference so I could learn and explore the new Bible translation software that was being presented.

The conference was a fantastic time together with 500 people from around the world, as we gathered to worship, pray and attend seminars and panels on the subject of quality assurance in Bible translation. It was a privilege to get to meet some amazing people, find out about some new software tools and learn many good principles to equip me in my work of Bible translation.

We are currently praying for an additional $525 per month in monthly pledges, whether from new donors or from our current individual supporters and churches who will increase their current pledges. (Our needed budget has increased from rising insurance premiums, taxes, and general inflation.) We'd appreciate prayer for that. If you would be interested in giving or increasing your giving, please see the information below on how to give, and please let us know so we can update our records.

We so appreciate your partnership in this work. There is no way we could do it without you. All we do is for His glory, and as our prayer partners and supporters, you will also share in the eternal reward that our kind and gracious Father is laying up for us.


Todd & Pamala

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

Serving as an International Bible Translation Consultant in cooperation with:

Time-sensitive prayer request: Yesterday morning while checking the Gospel of John in one of the Roma languages, my computer unexpectedly died. This laptop is the tool I use for all my Bible translation work. I have a replacement on order but here is the time-sensitive part: It is supposed to arrive tomorrow afternoon or evening, but I leave tomorrow evening to fly to Dallas to attend the Bible Translation Conference through Tuesday of next week. This conference is an important time to learn about Bible translation and to add to or tweak the software we use to make it the most efficient. If my new laptop does not arrive before I leave tomorrow, I won't be able to set it up and use it at the conference and maximize the expertise of the software support experts who will be at this conference. So please pray that, if the Lord wills, the laptop will arrive tomorrow (Thursday 10/12) in time for me to take it to Dallas for the conference. Thank you!

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

Serving as an International Bible Translation Consultant in cooperation with:

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