Subject: “Here I Stand” podcast; COVID & colds causing translation setbacks

Recently, I was interviewed on the “Here I Stand” podcast, discussing Bible translation among the Roma. You can listen here; my part of the interview starts at the 5:07 mark.

The translators and my colleague in Croatia, testing out chapters of Luke in the Roma community

We have been trying to finish the Gospel of Luke, 50 Chronological Bible stories with pictures and a glossary in the 5th language, Ludari, but have been hit with numerous setbacks, most of which have been due to sickness. COVID is rampant in the Roma village. One of our translators just came down with COVID, his wife who is doing the audio recording of the 50 Bible stories also has symptoms, as does my Croatian colleague who is managing the final testing and editing and the recording. Numerous checks in person and over Zoom have had to be canceled and we are behind schedule.

Thankfully, we have been granted a two-month time extension on the project (the third extension we have received), but we would ask you to please pray.

  1. Pray that the translators and those involved in testing the translation in the community, and those making audio recordings, will get and stay healthy.

  2. Pray we can finish testing the final five chapters of Luke in the Roma community to make sure there are no mistakes and that the chapters are clearly translated.

  3. Pray we can make the audio recordings of Luke and the 50 Bible stories and get them published online.

  4. Pray we can finish all the spell checking and formatting, especially of the glossary which is only half-finished, and be able to send it to the typesetters/graphic design artists.

  5. Pray we can get Luke, the 50 Bible stories and the glossary printed as soon as possible, and no later than the end of March.

  6. Thank you also for praying for the work in the other four languages in which we are translating. Your prayers were answered in that Pierre and The Word for the World found an additional translator for the Gurbet language so now they have a complete team of three. Please pray they will be able to hire the translators they still need for the Chergash language.

  7. I had discovered that the software I used to make the audio recordings into videos for posting on our Roma Bible website and on YouTube had chopped off the last word or words in many of the recordings, so I have been spending hours this week and last editing the videos so that they include the correct ending to the recordings. Please pray for stamina to finish these, and more importantly, that many Roma will use these recordings to listen to God’s Word in their heart language.

Making the audio recordings to the Bible stories in the Ludari (Roma) language

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