Subject: Tim Braun's May 2015 Newsletter

May 2015 Newsletter

Spring is officially in FULL Swing! 

"Spring cleaning" is a customary ritual this time of year for our homes, but did you know that clutter, debris and dusty dirt in your environment can clog your intuitive channels and aura as well? By de-cluttering and organizing your home or office space, you are actually creating a better flow of energy - Chi - which helps us feel calm, centered and open. The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui is all about that. If you feel anxious, depressed or negativity in your environments, you can change, or neutralize energy, by "smudging" - as native Americans do before rituals - with burning dry sage called "smudge sticks." Move it around your body and especially up in room ceiling corners where negative energy tends to hang around. Sound waves from crystal or brass singing bowls, bells or wind chimes, or simply just clapping your hands, helps to break up heavy, stuck energy too. Soothing music also raises vibration! Our bodies and auras are also cleansed with water and especially simple salt baths...epsom salt works really well! Aroma therapy with any scent you enjoy and resonate with is wonderful too. Lavender oil is a very calming scent and you can even dab a dot on your collar to keep you calm and de-stressed throughout the day!

Happy Spring...happy home...and happy health!

With Love,
Affirmation For The Month

"I create a healthy, calm, loving, happy environment for my physical and spiritual well being"
Ask a Medium!!

I asked my Facebook fans to supply a question that they've always wanted to ask me, and I would publish my answer here. Recently I was asked:

 "Are those on the other side aware of our grief and if so, how do they feel about it?"

The answer is "yes", they absolutely do, which is why they send us signs and messages through our dreams, leave objects for us, any way to communicate that they are still with us, and are really "okay" and still exist! So keep upbeat loving thoughts of your loved ones, because they feel THAT as well!
Upcoming Events!

The Channel to the Other Side: 2 Hour Spirit Circle
ASTARA - Rancho Cucamonga

Saturday, May 30th, 2015
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tickets Available at:
Toll-free: 800.964.4941
Phone: 909.948.7412


Messages From The Other Side
Saturday, July 18, 2015 
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
(949) 333-1641

Recent Testimonials From Private Client Sessions and Demos!

"I have been to Tim for a few private readings over the last 12 years and many of his group spirit circles. I started out a skeptic, thinking most mediums are just slick fakes. He did not ask for ANY information from me and came up with stuff even my best friend wouldn't know! He obviously was speaking to my loved ones and leaves me feeling like I just spent time visiting with them! Thank you Tim, for sharing your gift and doing demos so those of us who can not travel very far can have the opportunity to see you." - Gayle B. 

"Thank you so much for an incredible reading today. It was the perfect birthday gift!" - Loren M.

"Thanks for sharing your gift, you have brought us unmeasurable peace through our messages with our loved ones in spirit!" - Pamela H.

Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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