Subject: February Newsletter

Welcome to February everyone! I hope all of you have had a beautiful start to your 2018! I am very excited for all of the upcoming events this year! Please read below for more information, and as always I am here for you when you would like to communicate with your loved ones. I hope to see you for an in person or phone sitting soon!
A Gentle Reminder From Pope Francis

This life will go by fast. Don't fight with people. Don't criticize your body so much. Don't complain so much. Don't lose sleep over your bills. Look for the person that makes you happy. If you make a mistake, let it go and keep seeking your happiness.

Never stop being a good parent. Don't worry so much about buying luxuries and comforts for your home, and don't kill yourself trying to leave an inheritance for your family. Those benefits should be earned by each person, so don't dedicate yourself to accumulating money.

Enjoy, travel, enjoy your journeys, see new places, give yourself the pleasures you deserve. Allow dogs to get closer. Don't put away the fine glassware. Utilize the new dinnerware; don't save your favorite perfume, use it to go out with yourself; wear out your favorite sport shoes; repeat your favorite clothes.

So what? That's not bad. Why not now? Why not pray now instead of waiting until before you sleep? Why not call now? Why not forgive now? We wait so long for Christmas; for Friday; for Reunions; for another year; for when I have money; for love to come; when everything is perfect...look...

Everything perfect doesn't exist. Human beings can't accomplish this because it simply was not intended to be completed here. Here is an opportunity to learn.

So take this challenge that is life and do it more, forgive more, embrace more, love more intensely and leave the rest in God's hands. Amen.

February's Affirmation: I will walk into February with my head held high and a smile on my face. I will project love, light and peace into the world.
Dear Friends,

Because of popular demand on Tim’s scheduling, Tim’s Level 2 - April 7th event will be allowing pre-beginers and first time medium-ship students into this workshop. 

He will have separate exercises for those who need to catch up with LEVEL 2 students. All in all, it will be a day full of great work, spirit and connection.

This workshop is designed to help students who have taken part in modules one, and two progress onto a more in-depth and practical level of medium-ship, healing and circle work, including learning about trance and altered states of consciousness


Level 2 Mediumship Workshop
Dear Level 1 Participants. 
Thank you for participating in my last Level 1 Training. This Level 2 Mediumship training is specifically designed for: pre-working and working mediums, students who have sat in a mediumship development circle, or for those who are looking to connect with Spirit, fine tuning psychic intuition, and giving messages to people in a professional manner.
The Level 2 workshop will cover topics such as:

Validating evidence from Spirit to give accurate information
Connecting with Spirit and sustaining the information with the Spirit world. 
Exercises for personal psychic development
Grounding and protection of your energy. How to “turn on”and “turn off” your ability so that you are in control
Understand and learn how to conserve your energy
Learn how to use key psychic tools for reading energy
Develop your own tools and unique style 
Learn how to perfect your demonstration techniques and responsibilities of being a medium
Activate your self-confidence, courage and faith in yourself 

We will explore the true spiritual practice of opening your heart and cultivate your personal power. You will leave with a new insight and power that will permanently change your life for the better. 

Regardless of age, current situation, past of present conditions this workshop with Spirit will enhance build and improve all areas of Spirit connection and communication. 


Saturday- April 7, 2018
9:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
The Garland Hotel
Parking and lunch is not included with ticket purchase
*Discounted parking validation
Make sure to book your sittings today! I will be out of the country the majority of March. Sittings are limited and are filling up fast! Book today!

Book here or call 626-308-1614 for further assistance.

ONLY $9.99!


Recent Testimonials

"I just had a session with Tim and he was just so good; he was right on. I felt so good afterward and I can't wait to see him again"- Celia R.

"Being with Tim is so healing. For me, during the hours I'm with him it's like you're actually talking to your loved ones. No matter how much you believe or how many doubts you have before, when you're actually there all doubt completely fades away. It's so special and he makes you feel so comfortable. He is the real deal." -Adam J.

Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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