Subject: August Newsletter

In the past, I have been asked by clients to share more about myself, so I created the following for anyone who wants to know some fun facts about Tim Braun. Take a look!
Welcome to August! I hope you are staying cool and enjoying your summer, wherever you are! I can't believe we are slowly coming up on the end of 2023. For those of my clients who have family coming in from out of town during the holidays, there are still a handful of sittings open in December. You can view and book online HERE.

Don't forget, you can email the office at or call or text 626-308-1614 to purchase a gift certificate or book a sitting. I am booked about six months in advance, so make sure to reserve your spot today. You can view available dates and times HERE. If you want to be added to the cancellation list, please let us know at the time of booking.

I look forward to sitting with you and Spirit soon!
August Affirmation: Today I will be kind and gentle with myself. I deserve peace and happiness.
Tim's Helpful Hints For Mind, Body and Soul:
There is so much negativity in this world and all we can do is control ourselves. I always admired the late and great, Maya Angelou. A successful writer and smart women, I heard that if she was in a conversation with anyone who was being negative, she would just walk away from the conversation. She wouldn't engage, or fight back with more negativity, she would simply remove herself from that situation. While it is hard to avoid the negatively swirling around in this world entirely, I encourage you to practice awareness when negativity is around you or when you are speaking it yourself, and either remove yourself from that conversation or switch gears and talk about something more positive, or even better, something you are grateful for. There is always something to be grateful for. Much love everyone! 

*Tim Braun is not a medical doctor and is only sharing these helpful hints as a recommendation from his personal experience.
Tim's Favorite Mantras
"I have the power to create change. I am in charge of how I feel today and I choose happiness." -Unknown
Message about having multiple sittings

I get a lot of questions about having multiple sittings. I recommend that you wait at least two to three months in between sittings, but you are of course welcome to come back sooner. I recommend this because it gives you a chance to listen to your recording and reflect on the messages that were delivered, before returning for another sitting. This is my advice for getting the most information, quality and insight out of your sitting.

Call or text the office at 626-308-1614 or email to get yours today!

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!


I only send out newsletters twice a month, but I post on Facebook and Instagram all of my events, video questions and answers, quotes, etc. Make sure you are following, so you don't miss out!

Recent Testimonials

"After having thoughts about my loved ones for so long who have passed on, I booked a spiritual reading with Tim.  It was a truly incredible experience!  Tim told me things only my loved ones and I would know.  It was so amazing and such a blessing to finally have that closure I so needed in my life.  Love is around us, we just have to stop and see it, feel it, and sense it everywhere around us!  Thank you so much Tim, for sharing your beautiful gift with the world!" -Janet

"Hi Tim. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed my reading. Those who connected were very close to me and missed. You made my first reading so comfortable and the accuracy was amazing. I will definitely recommend you and your book. Thanks again!" -Mitch
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please email it to the people in your life who you know would enjoy it too!
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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