Subject: Transcript-Thursday 4/12/2012 Rumor Mill News Interviews Wynn (Part 2 of 3)

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Rumor Mill Interview (Part 2 0f 3)

Thursday – 04/12/2012

Rumor Mill News Interviews Wynn [draft]

Audio Link:

Transcribed by Connie O'Brien

Edited by Terry Brown

Continued from Part 1

Welcome back; you’re listening to Radio RMN.  This is Radio RMN AM as adverse to Radio RMN PM.  My guest today is Wynn Free and he has been telling us the most incredible story.


Wynn, we did have a caller but I had promised you that it was not going to take callers for the first hour.  We have a caller Patrick; he’s not on the line right now, but he will be calling right back any minute.  We will have a caller soon.


Wynn, you were describing the Elohim.  Let me see if I can paraphrase it right.  It’s a collection of souls, is that right?  They’re not a group soul?


Wynn:  They are a group soul.  What makes a group soul a group soul?


It’s like the best way to describe it is if you go to a great jazz performance and you see a musician playing and they all seem to be able to be psychic with each other and they can anticipate what the other one is going to play.  When that starts to happen, this incredible energy goes into the room and it pulls everyone in.  In that moment, I would say that everyone became a group soul for that period of that concert.


They leave; they’re exhilarated, they’re loving.  They’re looking at each other, they feel connected, they all had an experience together.  In the other realms, it’s that same kind of energy, but there’s no music.  They’re just always like that; they can operate as a team and they can also create delegations to say “You’re going to do this; this group is going to do this” and they can always come back and be in the oneness that we’re all part of each other.


In the optimal case for humans, we would be in that space where we can see each other as part of each other.  What happens when that occurs is we have compassion; we have empathy and we have care for our fellow beings.  There’s the Christian saying, “Treat your brother as yourself,” or “As you see it in the smallest of these I’m there.”  The truth is our existence is we’re part of each other.  I’m going to tell you now how we lost that and why we’re not experiencing that.


We were talking about how they were creating the universe and it was like a fish tank to them saying, “Look at this” and they describe how exciting it was to create it.  They would start to come into the realm and out.  They could come in and out.  Just like when Terry channels, they’re coming into her space and leaving.


Apparently, what happened was they would be occupying a being, sharing space with a being, and they started to experience sex.  Sex pulled their energy into the space of the other being and they got stuck.  They could not leave anymore.  Then, they got caught up in reincarnation and they no longer knew who they were.  They didn’t know they were Elohim anymore because like everyone they had the amnesia; but, they had a lot of power.  They started using their power to control the other beings in the realm because it was more pleasant to be here if you had slaves, if you had people doing your biddings.


Rayelan:  Oh my God!


Wynn:  It was possessions that cause people, beings, to lose their connection with being part of all that is, part of the Law of One.  With possessions, “If I have it, you don’t.  If you have it, I don’t.  If she’s my wife, she’s not yours.  It’s my house, it’s not yours.”  Biblically, they would call that the fallen angels, but in fact those Elohim souls that came into this realm that started playing their power card ultimately became what we look at today as the negative, the Annunaki, the exalted genes of the elite who have power in this realm.  It all degraded over millions and millions of years to our present circumstance.  The celestial Elohim are observing all of this and they say, “Look at what happened down there!  How can we help?  How can we fix it?”  That was part of my unfolding, to learn what can actually be done with their help.


Before I go back and share that, I wanted to share story, one more story, and this was a story that probably clenched it for me; that I really was talking to who they said they were.  It was not easy; it was like a science fiction movie.  “Those guys want to talk to you.”  I’m asking these incredible questions and they’re answering.  I asked them:


“Was Terry ever anybody famous?” and they said:


“Look up St. Catherine of Sienna.”


Those of you who are aware of David Wilcock and have looked at anything about David Wilcock/Edgar Cayce connection, you will see that David happens to be the spitting image of Edgar Cayce; his father looks like Edgar Cayce’s father, and his friend looks like Edgar Cayce’s wife.  When we asked about this, how that works, the idea was that when you die your soul memorizes your DNA; your DNA is like the microcosm of the macrocosm, the entire universe.  The soul memorizes it so that when it comes into a new fetus it programs the DNA of the new fetus to resemble the past lifetime.


It’s not a one-on-one relationship, because the fetus is impacted by the parent’s DNA, it’s impacted by astrological influences; but, most people will look like their previous lifetimes.  There are a couple of people who have written books about this that have done studies of it and matched people up.  It’s a hard thing to prove because no one knows who they were.


I asked them, “Was Terry ever anybody famous?” and they said, “Look up St. Catherine of Sienna” who was a Catholic saint whom I had never heard of.  I went on Google and I put in St. Catherine of Sienna and I read this story of this young woman in 1300 A.D. in Sienna, Italy, who would go down to the local church and the nuns and the priest would write down everything she said because they thought God was speaking through her to them. “St. Catherine’s Dialogues with God” are still available in bookstores and Amazon; it’s recognized by the central body of the church.  Terry was the spitting image of St. Catherine.


Rayelan:  That is amazing.


Wynn:  As I read “St. Catherine’s Dialogues with God” a great part of her messages had to do with the corruption in the church and trying to straighten out the corruption in the church.  St. Catherine would be welcomed by many of the church leaders and this was them trying to fix Christianity.


Rayelan:  Terry was St. Catherine; this isn’t Daphne, right?  Daphne is the one that’s from the outpost.


Wynn:  I’m not going to go into the Daphne story; I ended up finding out who Daphne was, who I was, and the pictures but I’m not going to go into that in this call.  If anyone wants to go right now and look at the pictures I put up a webpage:  You can see the pictures, and you can read the story.


Rayelan:  How do you spell Catherine?


Wynn:  C-a-t-h-e-r-i-n-e.


Rayelan:  Let me see the pictures; as soon as I get it up I’m going to copy it and put it into the….  Oh my God!  Oh my God! That is just too amazing!  I’m putting it in our chat room right at the moment.


Honestly, Wynn, I absolutely cannot believe it.  It is unbelievable.  It’s like she literally put on the nun’s habit and had her picture taken in this day and age.  Oh my God! Let me tell you, she had to be Catherine of Siena, if people look like each other, because does she look like that.  That was a painting of course, but she looks just like the painting.  That is truly amazing.


Wynn:  Look the impossible odds; it’s not like I scanned the internet to see who Terry looked like.  I asked them and out of the clear blue sky they said “St. Catherine” and I do that search and I find that picture.


Rayelan:  And you almost dropped your teeth, right?


Wynn:  Right.  I’m saying to myself “This is real.  How do I live up to the responsibility of this?”


Rayelan:  Wynn – look at the picture of Terry on the right.  Look at her eyes; her eyes are identical to Catherine’s eyes – identical.  Those eyes aren’t like a lot of human eyes.  She’s really amazing.  I got to see what the comments in the chat room were.


They haven’t gone over to take a look, but we were Number Two on the rankings on TalkStream Live, we were Number Two.  I haven’t even told our listeners who aren’t in the chat room to go over to and give a vote for your favorite radio show: that’s Radio RMN AM and were Number Two just a minute ago.


Yes – one of our readers said, “They are identical.”  They are – they are identical!  That is just amazing!  What else have you put on this website?  Here’s another picture of Catherine.  It’s is truly just amazing.


Wynn:  There’s a picture down on that website; that’s just one page.  I’m working on my website; I have websites up.  I have not known how to put this on a website.  I said, “No one is going to believe it.”  What I learned was, if people hear me talk and hear me tell my story they know I’m being authentic.  I couldn’t make this up.  But when people read it, they think, “That can’t be real.  It sounds like a fantasy.”  I felt like I was in a fantasy for quite some period of time.


One of the things is: Terry is really highly intended.  I learned over time to trust her channelings.  It took me a long time; at the present time when people download the book,, they’re going to get invitations to my conference calls.  We do three conference calls a week and we ask them questions on those alls.  People submit questions; the thing about it is, there is energy on the call.  People can feel their energy.  They start coming into the space of people all over the planet.  Let me tell you how I learned how that would work that way.  That was something that was a new episode in my opening up of how to work with the Elohim.


I thought I’d share with you:  in the Creator God book I asked them lots of questions.  I decided if they are who they say they are, I’m going to ask the questions that everyone would like to know – how do these things work?  I’ll give you an example of some of the answers:


“Do you really like to be worshipped?”


“It is irksome to be worshipped, because worship creates a division; it creates a falsehood, a fallacy, it creates a break in the communication between the two.  Worship tends to deaden the brain and to place one at a disadvantage.  It tends to close down the channel of communication and say, “You tell me everything; you tell me what to do; I will follow you, I will do what you say.”  That is not the kind of connection we are looking for.  We are looking for the type of connection where there is mutual respect and equality.”


Then I asked them:


“Who are the Elohim, and why are they connected with the evolution of humans?”


“We are a soul group whose purpose is to bring life and life forms to planets such as earth.  We then work with the life forms in the hope that they will align themselves with higher interdimensional energies bringing heaven into the third dimension, transmuting third dimensional personal experience into a fruitful playing ground for learning the lessons of love and bringing wiser entities back into the fourth and fifth dimensions.”


Rayelan:  Wynn, we have a caller from New York; we’ve got Michael in New York on the line.  Michael, do you have a question for Wynn?


Michael:  Actually, no, Rayelan.  I have a comment to share with you. 


Hey, Wynn, years back a female who became a friend back quite a long time ago.  She was an attractive blond, blue-eyed girl.  She had Egyptian stuff all around her; she was professional psychic.  I met her because at the time I was making some moves and I needed some consultation and I came across her.  She turned out to be an excellent psychic, and as I got to know her over time she did some past lives on me and I got to know her well.  She definitely had an Egyptian Connection going way back.


About twelve, fifteen years later from first meeting her, I was visiting her.  She showed me a book that just came out; I forget the author.  She told me when I first met and got to know with her Egyptian background she had been Queen Nefertari’s aunt.  I took it all in stride; kept an open mind towards it all.


Twelve, fifteen years later she shows me a book that had come out.  I forget the name of it but it had something to do with Queen Nefertari’s aunt and the influence she had on her.  The image on the cover was her aunt and it looked exactly like my friend Liz.  She goes, “Michael look at that cover.  Does that look like me when you first met me?” because she did change in her appearance as she got older; a little rounder.


I said, “Liz that is the spitting image of you when I met you.  Spitting image.”  So I just wanted to share that with you; there is something to that what Wynn is saying.


Wynn:  Michael, Rayelan, isn’t it amazing that he brings that up?


Rayelan:  What is amazing is that he said ‘Nefertari’; Nefertari is different from Nefertiti.


Wynn:  Did you mean Nefertari or Nefertiti?


Michael:  I thought they were the same; aren’t they the same individual?


Rayelan:  I don’t think so.


Michael:  I believe they are; I believe they are the same.


Wynn:  I wasn’t going to go into this, but since you’ve brought that up I’ll just drop this and I’ll refer you to a webpage that is amazing.


At a certain point, and I don’t want to tell the story because it’s a long story, I discovered that Daphne was the spitting image of Nefertiti and that indications were that I had a connection with Akhenaton.  Those of you who know about Egyptian history know that Akhenaton was the first head of state that proclaimed One God, monotheism, the Ra God.  The group soul that is talking through David Wilcock identifies themselves as the Ra group.  They’re very much connected with that episode with Akhenaton.  If I have it right, Daphne was Nefertiti, I was Akhenaton and she was channeling and that is how Akhenaton came up with his monotheism and Ra connection.


There’s a lot more to the story and I did a four-hour workshop on it where I went through it in detail how I convinced myself – get your pencil out if this is fascinating to you – the workshop is  You can see the picture on that page of comparing Daphne and that statue of Nefertiti; they’re pretty striking.  Daphne is an exquisitely beautiful person.


That’s a whole other story, so I just wanted to put that out because you asked that.


Rayelan:  You said that you were going to give us a new website.  By the way, Nefertari is thought to be the granddaughter of Nefertiti.  She was married to one of the Ramses; she was married to Ramses the Great; that was who she was married to.  They think that Nefertari was the great granddaughter of Nefertiti.


Michael, are you still on the line?


Michael:  Yes I am.  I will have to track down my friend Liz and find out which one: Nefertari or Nefertiti.  I will have to find that out because I don’t recall; it was one of them that was the aunt to… both of them were queens, obviously.  I have to find out which queen it was.


Rayelan:  They do look different; Nefertari looks considerably different; actually they don’t.  They look almost alike, now that I think of it, now that I pulled up a picture of Nefertiti.  They do look very similar, but there are photos of Nefertari.


Michael:  If I only could recall the book exactly, too; I have to see if I can locate that and see if they still have the same original cover.  The guy who wrote the book on that subject depicted her as a blond, blue-eyed very attractive, shapely girl.  I am not exaggerating at all – was exactly – you would think my friend Liz posed as the model for that illustration.


Rayelan:  What’s the name of the book?


Michael:  I have to get back to that, Rayelan, and track it down.  I don’t recall; it was something about Queen Nefertari or Nefertiti’s aunt and her influence that she had on the queen.  She was apparently very influential.  When I first got to know my friend Liz, that’s what she told me.  She goes, “Back in those days, I was her aunt, and I was very close to her and influenced her a lot.”  Just like that, that’s basically how she said it.  That’s why when I came across her years later she just showed me this book; she goes, “Check this book out.”


Rayelan:  That is just amazing; you’re going to have to get in touch with me.  I want to know about that, so get in touch with me.


Michael:  I’ll find the book for you and I’ll get back to you on that.


Rayelan:  Great.  Thanks so much for calling, Michael.  Wynn, we’ve got another caller on the line, we have Patrick from Utah.


Wynn:  Hey, Patrick.


Rayelan:  Patrick, are you here?


Patrick:  Are you speaking to me?  It’s been so long since I’ve heard your voice.


Rayelan:  We’re talking to you, finally.  Wynn, I need to tell you, I know Patrick.  If he gives you too hard of a time I’ll take care of him for you.  Go ahead, Patrick.


Patrick:  I told her accountant the same thing.


Rayelan:  My accountant, hmm?


Patrick:  I called just because I hadn’t heard your voice; I figured the only way I could hear your voice is calling on the radio, but the notion of channeling is interesting.  We are currently trying to channel information to the great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great granddaughter of Nefertari.


Rayelan:  Nefertari or Nefertiti?


Patrick:  I think she’s just another great, as far as that goes.  That woman was sort of in a movie called, “The Color Purple.”


Rayelan:  Who are you talking about?


Patrick:  I can’t use names; this is the radio.


Rayelan:  Okay.


Patrick:  What do you think about when you think about The Color Purple?  What do you think about?


Rayelan:  I don’t know; I’ve never seen it.


Patrick.  You’re kidding.  Well, it’s too painful, don’t watch it.


Rayelan:  We won’t watch it.


Patrick:  It’s very painful.  The whole notion is we actually have a rich woman in American who is not the granddaughter of the Rockefellers; she’s related to Nefertari.


Rayelan:  Is that what she has said?


Patrick:  No, no, I’ve done my own research; we don’t ever believe celebrities.  Why would you believe celebrities?  They can say that they’re Mel Brooks’ son.


Rayelan:  Yes, I know someone who says he’s Mel Brooks’ son.


Patrick:  The point here is, unless it’s Bernie Madolf, if someone has something that could kill them we probably should channel a message to them that there’s something they can do about it.


Rayelan:  Are you saying that one of the people from The Color Purple has an illness that taking organic sulfur could cure?


Patrick:  Well, would allow their body to cure it.


Rayelan:  Okay, Patrick – if you don’t have any questions for Wynn, I’m going to have them hang up on you.  If you have a question for Wynn…


Patrick:  The question is for Wynn:  how do you cross the channel?


Rayelan:  I don’t think he knows how to do that.  You can hear the music, we’re going to break right now.


We’re talking with Wynn Free… Was Oprah Winfrey in The Color Purple?  I’ve never seen it, so I don’t know.  I may have to look that up on break.  Anyway, Wynn, we’ll be right back after the break on Radio RMN.  Go over and vote for us folks on


Wynn and I will be right back.


Welcome back.  You’re listening to Radio RMN.  I am talking with Wynn Free.  Wynn I have to tell you that Patrick is sort of our mad magician; he does our Monday show on organic sulfur which is an incredible… almost everybody lacks sulfur in their body.  I was dying of liver failure when I ran across Patrick and within a week I was almost back to normal; not quite, but almost.  In other words I could get out of bed and resume my work.


Wynn, he brings up The Color Purple; that’s probably because when he heard your name he thought of Oprah Winfrey.  Wynn Free – your name does sound like her last name.  I can’t help but wonder if he knows that she’s ill because she hasn’t been doing as much – her network is not doing well and she has made very little appearance recently.  I have an idea that either he’s channeling that information or he knows for sure that there’s something wrong with her and he was just telling the whole world about it.


By the way, he is Mel Brooks’ son – that’s a whole other story.  You just can’t believe what a story that is!


Wynn, before Michael came on and while we were on break I went over to Amazon to look up all the books on Nefertiti, because I don’t think any were written on Nefertari, but I went over to look up all the books on Nefertiti to try to find the one with her as a blond.  There must be 500 books written about Nefertiti, so I did not find the one of her as a blond.  He made the point that people do incarnate looking very much like they looked in their past lives.


We were talking at that momen, before Michael called in, we were talking about St. Catherine.  You were just about to give us a new website; I was wondering if you have a website like you made for St. Catherine for Daphne.  Did you?


Wynn:  I made a webpage where I have a workshop that I did where the workshop is the whole story of the Egyptian Connection.  You can go, if you’re into David Wilcock, David fits into this; in fact, he has a very important fitting in.  This is in the book “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.”


Edgar Cayce, in his own readings, talked about a life he had in Egypt in 10,500 B.C.  In the Cayce readings, it was discussed that Ra-Ta, the name of that person, had done all these miracles of healing.  There were all these genetic experiments:  half man half animal; half human half animal and he was healing them, fixing them.  Also in the Edgar Cayce readings, there is the story of pyramids saying that Ra-Ta built the pyramids by levitating the blocks and Ra-Ta actually became known historically as Ra the Sun God according to the Edgar Cayce readings.


There’s another woman who was channeling Ra in the 1980s who is very important to this story; her name is Carla Rueckert.  She’d be a great guest for you, you would love her.  She is one of the highest integrity people.  She was doing kind of a research project with her Ph.D. partner Don Elkins.  They were channeling different entities and different deceased entities.  Don asked a question to Carla that was very deep.  Suddenly, Carla went into a trance and the voice that came through Carla said, “I am Ra; we have come forward because you need us to answer that question.”


And for the next four years, there were these conversations between Don Elkins and Ra that ended up in a series of five books called “Ra: The Law of One.”  Ra was talking about the – Ra is a group soul; they’ve described themselves; they didn’t use the words ‘group soul’.  They called themselves a ‘social memory complex’.  Remember, that was the same group that David Wilcock brought in his channeling.  They were the group that is made up of graduates of this realm that work very closely with the realm to try to evolve it with attempts to evolve it.


In the Carla Rueckert channelings, which I started studying because David was highly recommending them on his website,  he believed it was the same Ra that was speaking through him.  In the Carla Rueckert channelings it was said that Ra said:


“We came upon an Egyptian high priest in 10,000 BC that we had an affinity with.  We worked with that priest and we built the pyramids by levitation.”


But, they never said it was Edgar Cayce.  See, Edgar Cayce’s readings never talked about ‘Ra’ or ‘group soul’.  Edgar Cayce – I don’t believe they could have told them they were a group soul because he – was too much of a Fundamentalist Christian and he might have blown his whole thing with doing this channeling.  Edgar Cayce reading never talked about a group soul; Carla Rueckert reading never talked about Edgar Cayce or this previous life of Edgar Cayce.


When I discovered this, this was when I was first studying Wilcock, I said, “This is an incredible correspondence” because it ties the pieces together.  I went out of my way to meet Carla Rueckert; I had to look her in the eye and and make sure I could trust her; that maybe she didn’t know Edgar Cayce.  She was giving a talk in Laughlin, Nevada.  I drove from LA to Laughlin and I got to meet her and we spent an evening together.  I was testing it; I said “You’re aware of Edgar Cayce” and she said “Yes”.  I said “Did you read Edgar Cayce?”  She said “I read a lot of his books on health” but she had never read anything about his past lives and I believed her.  She didn’t know this.


Through Carla it was said, the Ra group said, that we really were making an attempt to change the template on your planet and to bring it into a move loving space.  I’m paraphrasing here, but the priest at the time took all esoteric knowledge and used it to try and control people instead of sharing it with everyone.  The priests, then, became the beginning of what we call the Illuminati today.


Rayelan:  Isn’t that amazing?


Wynn:  David knows this and David has said this publicly and it’s in the book and he approved every word that’s in the book.  He was the editor; that he was inadvertently responsible for a huge entrée of the negative into this realm.  All of Egypt was under the auspices of the negative; they were doing sacrifices they were controlling people out of fear and there was another attempt to turn it around with this Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaton.  In certain ways it failed, because he built his own city; he took all his followers to his own city.  He left the capital of Egypt; then, his own general and his priests destroyed his city. 


Needless to say, they were very angry with him because he took their jobs away.  He outlawed all of the negative practices and he also maybe was not focusing on being the best pharaoh because he had higher missions that were given to him.  They destroyed his city, they took down all his statues and he was written out of Egyptian history.


Rayelan:  Wynn, we’ve got a question here, the same question that’s on my mind.  Are you saying that David was the priest that literally laid the archetype down for the Illuminati?  Is that what it said in the book?


Wynn:  To give a quote from the Ra group:  David was working with the Ra group so the Ra group made their own mistake.  It’s not David’s fault; he was working with the Ra group.  Inadvertently, in trying to uplift the vibration and heal things, they created the beginning of a huge negative entrée into this realm which became the beginning of the Illuminati.  [This is] I believe, one of the reasons David is so political now, because he takes certain personal responsibility for that.


Rayelan:  Has he ever actually talked about that?  You’re saying that it’s in the book.


Wynn:  It’s in the book and Terry told me she heard him giving a talk and he actually said that.  He doesn’t focus on it; a lot of this stuff is not…. On one hand it’s really good to know how we got to where we are.  On the other hand, when people have been exalted people in the past you have to be able – it really doesn’t matter.  In other words, it’s no big deal because everything is in the now including all those vibrations of the past.


David most definitely knows this true; I talked with him about it when we were writing the book and he’s publicly said it.  It’s in the book, it’s in the Egypt Connection.  I took a lot of quotes out of the Rueckert channelings – – where I put it together.  The thing about it is if you take the time to study this material, it resonates so precisely with how everything works, where we came from, how we got to where we are….  I know on Rumor Mill News, everyone is trying to figure out who are the good guys, who are the bad guys, who is the disinformation  guys – what’s true?


Rayelan:  Isn’t that the truth?


Wynn:  What I’ve learned is that it actually doesn’t matter, because none of that stuff is going to change the world.  It does from the point of view of discernment; people have to figure out what’s happening because otherwise you’ll start to think that the Arabs area all terrible and deserve to be massacred which we have done already in the Middle East.


These group souls – when my sister had her healing and they said they projected a filter in to her blood and took the lupus out, shortly thereafter I was having a conversation with them and I said, “Can you guys stop nuclear weapons from going off?” and they said they could if enough people asked.  The honor free will, so they monitor the polarity of the entire human race.  All those people who are lifting for higher vibrations, lifting for interventions – they can do it; both group souls can do it.  Both group souls can do interventions in this realm that are overwhelming in their power.


Rayelan:  You said both soul groups; and you talked about the Ra group and the Elohim – are they different?  I thought one was the subset of the other.


Wynn:  No, they’re different; it’s all one so they’re all part of the same energy.  In fact, in the work I’m doing because I’ve figured out a resonance with both of them.  Let me just say, “Don’t believe what I say.  You have to check me out and kick my tires.”  They say they’ve made collaboration on the other side to work together with the group I’m working with on my conference calls.


Let me tell you the difference between the two group souls:


The Ra group went through a period of many, many, many, many lifetimes, maybe thousands, not just on our planet but on other planets and they graduated this realm.  The Ra group has incredible wisdom of what it’s like to be down here and how tough it can be.


The Elohim, the celestial Elohim, do not have the direct experience of feeling the pain of being in a human body; they can tune into it because they can tune into people and feel their pain.  But they’re not stuck; they move right back out.  But the Ra group has in their track the cellular memory of having been here and being stuck and having the pain of being stuck.


The Ra group has areas where they’re wiser than the Elohim.  They can give counsel about certain human issues that the Elohim can’t.  The Elohim group has more power; they have the ability to project energy from where they are through all the dimensions in to the physical realm where they can do that what they did with my sister.  If they can do that, I don’t know the limits of what they can do and what they can’t do.  We’ve seen lots of people in lots of situations have shifts.


I have “The reincarnation of Edgar Cayce,” and I think it’s really a good idea that I read a paragraph, because I want you to hear how the Ra group sounds and compare them to how the Elohim group sounds:


“In the large scale arena of world politics, all does come back to the drama of self.  The experiences of life provide grist for the mill of transformation.  Issues that transpire between nations are but large scale dramatizations of the issues that occur between self and others.  It is important that we keep our focus centered on the self and how you can heal your interactions with others and move towards a greater understanding.  Regardless of your opinions about world events, it is unlikely you’re in a position to do anything of deep significance to change them.  However, when you take responsibility for your own attitude and emotions from one moment to the next, you are actively helping to raise the overall vibrations of the planet at this time which does indeed have a direct effect upon the consciousness of all involved.”


That’s the Ra group.  Let me see – half the book is guidance like that, where they’re trying to explain.


“Some of those around you will seem particularly charged with a sense of mission and inspiration and provide a role of leadership.  This becomes the natural choice of all who unveil the true selves from amongst the miasma of illusion, and it can become your choice as well.  Now is not the time to become enlightened and hide out in a cave; rather, it is to share that you’ve experienced with others in whatever way is most suitable to them.  For many, a smile or word of encouragement is plenty and you should never feel so high and mighty on your spiritual quest for wisdom and truth that you fail to remember the all-encompassing importance of sharing your life and love with others on the most basic level without casting expectations as to who or when or how.  If you miss that most generic aspect of the spiritual quest, then you will be slowly dying inside and wonder why things aren’t going any better for you.”


That’s the Ra group; that’s through Wilcock and that’s from “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.”  Now:  if I ask the Elohim the question, I’ll give you [an example] and feel the difference.  They’re looking above this, they’ve never had bodies.  Let’s see – I asked them:


Humans go through a process called reincarnation.  When an Elohim, as well as most beings, come into this realm, [they] get caught up in that process.”


Maybe you could explain how we can extricate ourselves from the wheel of reincarnation.


“We’ve talked about this already; people get caught in the wheel of reincarnation because they become too focused into the framework of their lives.  They need to be able to move their focus in and out of that framework because although they are in the life they are not of the life.  It would be very helpful top them to keep their focus open to higher realms for insights which will help them within that framework in this life.  In other words, don’t get caught up in Aunt Margie’s psoriasis.”


Another question from me:


“So when we get caught up in this process, we identify with or focus on all the things in our earth lives.  Then when we die our souls are still bound to this circumstances we identified with and we have to keep returning until we can untangle those circumstances.  Is that a good way of saying it?”


Elohim:  The entity follows his intention; if his intention is to find a cure for psoriasis, he will come back and work on that.  If his intentions are all caught up with struggle and making a living, his intentions will be in that arena.  If a being dies and his intentions are to somehow stay in a room, he will stay in that room as a ghost.”


You see how they are different; they’re both phenomenal, but they’re both different.


Rayelan:  I see.


Wynn:  The Elohim looks at us as a bunch of frequencies and a bunch of intentions and the Ra can go more into the human feeling of how we’re feeling and counsel us from the inside out.  It’s fascinating as you read the material.


Rayelan:  Wynn, is that because the Ra energy has actually lived on earth?


Wynn:  Yes!  That’s exactly it – they understand what it’s like to be here.


Rayelan:  Okay.  I’m still having trouble trying to figure out how the Ra energy and the Elohim energy are connected; or, are they connected?  Maybe I’m trying to figure something out that doesn’t exist.


Wynn:  You know what?


Rayelan:  You’re going to have to answer that on the other side of the break.


Folks, I am talking with Wynn Free and we are trying to figure out – I’m trying to figure out – the difference between the Ra energy and the Elohim energy.  We will be right back here on Radio RMN on the microeffect.  Please get over there to and give a vote for your favorite show at this time of the morning.


We’ll be back.


You are listening to Radio RMN; this is Rayelan Allan; my guest is Wynn Free.  Let me tell you I am so glad I booked him for three hours.  I usually only book people for two hours, unless it’s someone like Cosmic Awareness that needs that amount of time.  You can see that Wynn is someone like Cosmic Awareness who needs this amount of time to even begin to get his story across.  This is our last hour.

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