Subject: Transcript-Thursday 4/12/2012 Rumor Mill News Interviews Wynn (Part 1 of 3)

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Rumor Mill Interview Part 1 of 3

Thursday – 04/12/2012

Rumor Mill News Interviews Wynn [draft]

Audio Link:

Transcribed by Connie O'Brien

Edited by Terry Brown


Rayelan:  Welcome.  You are listening to Radio RMN.  My name is Rayelan Allan, and I am the publisher of Rumor Mill  If you want to go and know a little bit more about who my guest is today, you can go over to Rumor Mill, and you can look for the title “Wynn Free, author of the book ‘The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce’ – Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation.”  Wynn is the man who wrote the book comparing Edgar Cayce to David Wilcock; we’re going to touch on that a little bit.  Wynn hasn’t really talked about his own personal and incredible experiences.


Without further adieu I’m gong to welcome Wynn Free to Radio RMN AM.  How are you today, Wynn?


Wynn:  Hi Ray.  Thank you so much for having me on your show; I’m really honored to be able to share this with your listeners.


Rayelan:  Wynn, did you want to go into a little bit – most people want to know about David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce, and so we’re going to have to touch on that for a little bit.  I really want to get into who you are, and what the experience with you is; and, what kind of information that you personally want to offer the world.


I’m just going to let you tell the story about how the book with David Wilcock came about.


Wynn:  Years ago, I was a physics major at UC Berkeley.  If someone asked me about my spiritual point of view, I probably would have said I was an agnostic; that if something is out there I want to prove it to myself.  I don’t want to believe it on faith, or follow someone else’s doctrine.  At that time, I ended up getting exposed to Edgar Cayce, and this guy proved to me that he was doing something that was impossible by the normal laws of the physical universe.


If you’re not familiar with Edgar Cayce, he died in 1945 and for forty years of his life, he would go into a trance.  People would ask him questions and someone would write down everything he said.  They were doing transcripts.  He demonstrated first the ability to diagnose people’s health with medical precision - even when they weren’t in the room with him.  Somebody could say “Could we have a health reading on such-and-such a person?” and he would do it.  That person would go to the doctor, and everything was exactly like Edgar Cayce said:  their blood pressure, their gallstones – whatever.  Then he would start recommending alternative remedies that never had been discovered or used for various diseases and illnesses.  People started using his remedies and they started getting healed.


He did this for twenty years; he was a Fundamentalist Christian to start with, and he did it for twenty years.  Finally, somebody asked a question about “Why do I have this problem?” and for the first time he said “Because you had a past life of such-and-such, and you made certain kinds of karma that required you to come in and balance the karma.  That’s why you have that problem this lifetime.”


Now, everyone was asking him about their past lives, and he would be rattling it on.  It’s a lot harder to prove that; the health stuff was empirical.  If he would say your blood pressure was this, then you went into the doctor and the doctor said, “Your blood pressure was this”, obviously he was tuning in.


People started to explore what kinds of information they could get from him, and he would be rattling it off, talking about what happens in between lives and some aspects of how the universe works.  I said, “How does this guy do this?  How does the universe work that he could do this?”  Of course, that was a big question in my mind for many years; but, it started me on a path of thinking to learn how things worked.


I read many metaphysical books and I wasn’t very interested in channeling in general, because most channelers, at least I had never run into any channeler, that could demonstrate that kind of empirical proof that Edgar Cayce demonstrated.  It was somewhat of a mystery as to who was talking through Edgar Cayce.  He would identify it as his source; and, his own personal viewpoint was, that is was the Christ speaking to him.  He was a Fundamentalist Christian, so that was his way of making his own work credible to himself, and not contrary to his Christianity.


In the year 1999, someone sent me an email and it had a link to David Wilcock’s website.  I looked at his website and it was very not well put together at that time.  It was called “Ascension 2000”.  He had one section where he had the Edgar Cayce connection; and, he talked about how having a resonance with Edgar Cayce and he told the story of why he had a resonance.  He never said he was the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.


Let me say:  if any of you are listening and I say something that you say, “How do I know reincarnation is real?” just be open-minded for this talk.  We’re going to go through some really far-out looks at things; and, don’t believe it.  I tell people, “Don’t believe it” but just open to the possibility and see if it resonates and see if it fits the dots together of what you already know.


I had read enough Edgar Cayce material, that when I saw Wilcock’s talking about having a resonance with Edgar Cayce, I said to myself, “If this guy is telling the truth, he has to be the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.”  There was no doubt about it.  I started studying his website.  At that point, he was putting all his channelings up, all his messages – he had probably hundreds of channeled messages on his website.  He was also writing his own personal story, and he was writing some of his ways of how the universe works, as he was learning to understand it from his own conscious self.


I then had a reading from David; he was doing readings at that time.  After the reading, it struck on patterns in me that I couldn’t believe; there were very deep patterns.  In fact, it helped me tremendously in terms of my own growth to have that counsel on my patterns.  I was writing articles for a metaphysical magazine, and I called my editor up and I said, “I think I discovered a guy who is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and I’d like to interview him and write an article about it.”  She looked at his website, and said, “Wynn, that guy is some kind of wacko.”  I said, “He may be a wacko, but he’s Edgar Cayce and he’s bringing forth some incredibly powerful messages.”  So, she said, “You can interview him; but, I’m not going to promise to run it until I read it.”  So, I interviewed David; I submitted it to my editor.  She called me back panting, said, “You’re right!  He has to be Edgar Cayce.”  Then she said “I think you’re the guy who is supposed to write the book about it.”  I had never even thought of writing a book.  In the course of my life, I expressed myself as singer/songwriter, a poet.  I was not a prose writer until I started writing articles for this magazine.


I thought about it; I kept studying David’s channelings.  I said, “This is going to be the most important thing I could imagine doing in my life right now, putting this book out.”  I spent the next three years; I got David’s agreement, he is the co-writer of the book.  I spent the next three years writing the book and we got it published.  After the book got published, David and I went our separate ways.  David was not really wanting to be presenting himself to the world as a channel, and not even as Edgar Cayce.  The reason he agreed to let the book be written is because I said, “This is going to let your work reach a lot more people” and he agreed.


David went on to describe himself as a scientific intuitive, and I ended up, at that point, in the middle of the craziest experience I could ever dream of.  It’s taken me years to reconcile “How am I supposed to put that out into the world?”  That’s one of the things we’re going to be talking about.


Rayelan:  Wynn, can you tell us what year this was that you finished the book on David?


Wynn:  I think we finished it about 2003 and then we were editing it.  It was published in the middle of 2004.


Rayelan:  From about 2004 you haven’t had much of any contact with David.  Is that correct?


Wynn:  Right.  I occasionally look at his website and see what he’s doing.  I know the book helped him get some of prominence he has right now; I think that’s great.


Rayelan:  When I look at what happened to you, and I look at the path David’s walking on now, in many ways I think the two of you switched roles.


Wynn:  I think that’s true.


Rayelan:  Because he no longer follows of the path of the intuitive; at least that’s kind of what I’m thinking.  He’s put himself into the class of an investigative reporter, whereas you got hit over the head with messages coming to him.  Everybody knows David’s story and where David is right now. 


I’ll just let you finish up; did you want to say any more about David, or did want to just continue on with what happened to you?


Wynn:  I could tell the story of what connected him to Edgar Cayce, but I’m not going to do that.  What I think I want to share is that as I was studying David’s channelings at that time, there was an explanation of something about how the universe works that in all my metaphysical studies I had never crossed.  There was this incredible wisdom coming through his channelings that was far beyond anything he could have come up with in his conscious self.  His source, the source that was communicating through him, was explaining themselves in a way that they could have never extended to Edgar Cayce without jeopardizing Cayce’s willingness to bring the messages though.


I wanted to share who the source was that was speaking, or how they explained themselves.


When we’ve been into channelings and I say, “They say they’re this…” and telling our listeners, “Just consider the possibility; don’t believe it.  Just consider it.  If it intrigues you, if it calls to you read the book.  Because you can read their words and see how it resonates.”  If reincarnation is real, which I’m sure it is; it is up to each person.  I’ve had so many experiences in my life that have proven that to me, that I have no doubt that we reincarnate.  What is reincarnation?


We have an energy attached to our body; you could call that your soul, you could call it your spirit; but, there’s this invisible part of us that we can’t see that moves along through our entire life.  When we die, it continues.  One of the ways that I describe this is if you think of a computer and you think of a monitor and a keyboard, the computer can be tucked away in a corner; you don’t even have to see it all we see is the monitor and the keyboard.  The monitor and keyboard would be like your physical embodiment, your life, your body.  The computer can be like your soul.  It has all these programs in it, but until you click the right keys on the keyboard, or move your mouse over the right icon, the program stays buried in the computer.


Life is very similar to that, if you consider the monitor and the keyboard your physical embodiment, the computer your soul.  When you die, you pull out the monitor and the keyboard, but the computer goes on.  Later on, another monitor and keyboard gets plugged into it.  Usually, you don’t know what the keystrokes are; you kind of have to discover them through the course of your life.  Like:  you meet somebody and they trigger something in you.


For me, early in my life, I started playing music.  I picked up a guitar and I had a real affinity for it; I’m not going to tell the story, but it was proven to me that a thousand years ago I was a troubadour in England.  So, when I got into it, I clicked.  But, if I’d never picked up that guitar, if I’d never read Edgar Cayce, I could have been a physics professor somewhere, somehow.  It’s the things that come into your life that trigger your soul and bring through talents and abilities that come from the past.


Here I was, one of the things… who is David talking to?  Or, who was talking through David?  If reincarnation is real, we apparently go through hundreds or thousands of lifetimes in this realm, and in every lifetime we have amnesia; we remember nothing about the past until something triggers us.  Then we have an affinity for it.


The Buddhists have this idea of getting off the wheel of reincarnation, or graduating from this realm.  The source that was speaking through David said they were a conglomerate of graduates, of individual entities that have gone through reincarnation and went through further evolution on the other side and then teamed up, millions or billions of them, to become a group soul energy that their purpose was, their function, their mission – was to help planetary populations still going through reincarnation, still going through transitions, to help planetary populations evolve.  Later on, I’ll explain more about what evolution actually means; how that works.


Throughout the history of mankind, this group soul has been whispering in various people’s ears creating what turned out to be religions, turned out to be spiritual movements, they were speaking through Cayce and they were speaking through Wilcock.  There was an implication that they were very much connected with Jesus.  In fact, in the book there was one of their comments was that “We came to you in Christianity, but we don’t often speak in those terms anymore because of the way religion screwed it up.”


I started to study the channelings intensely, and I opened myself up to the possibilities.  If you’re a Christian, you would say, “I don’t know that this is not demonic.  How do I know this is not evil?”  I applied the criteria of Jesus, which was “By your works you shall be known.”  I said, “What are they asking?  What are they doing?”  They’re not making anybody follow anything; they don’t want anyone to believe in anything.  They’re giving the wisdom of how the realm works and how to get through your hypnosis; everyone here is hypnotized because there are so many of things we’ve gone through.  Of course, those of you who are in Rumor Mill News know about disinformation and have some awareness of all the things that program your mind, and they were trying to help us unprogram ourselves.


They were also explaining how this shift works.  We all know that there is something going on in our planet; people wonder what 2012 is.  They were explaining it.  I recognized their wisdom, but when they said who they were, I said, “I don’t know that’s true, but I’ll live with it.”  When I wrote the book, I said, “I don’t know if these guys are who they say they are.  But, you can read their words and make your own decision.”  In 2002 is when my personal amazing experience started, and I had a chance to get a second opinion about everything I was writing in the book.


I had a new personal relationship and we were driving from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon and we were in northern California and it was pouring rain.  I suggested that we should do a prayer of protection for safe driving.  So, I did a prayer and at the end of the prayer, I said, like a joke, “Does anybody want to talk to me?”  And this woman answered and she said, “We’re here.  Do you have questions?”  I was sure she was playing along and joking with me; she knew I was writing this book.  But, I played along and I asked some questions and after a few minutes, she said “That’s the strangest thing that ever happened to me.”   I didn’t know what to make of it.  I considered that maybe this is something negative coming through, maybe she was crazy.  We went on; I had no idea that it would ever happen again.


Three days later we are in Portland, Oregon and I asked them, “Would you like to try that again?”  She said, “Okay.”  This time, I took a tape recorder out, and I said, “Does anybody want to talk to me?”  Again, there was an answer.  I asked them, “Could you explain how you perceive this person, my friend, when she’s bringing through these messages?”  I brought the book out; before this show is over, I’m going let everybody download the book of my experiences.  This was their first message that I recorded, and I said, “Where did this come from?  It sounds like a science fiction script.”  This is what they said:


“This is a multi-level, diagrammatic question, and our present channel is a very wide band receiver station, calibrated for exceptional galactic clairaudience and clairvoyance, which when tuned to the proper channel below the current thresholds of consciousness, shall make in-roads to accessing very pertinent information at this time of transition.”


Rayelan:  It sounds like one of those manuals written in Japan for computers or something.


Wynn:  Right. Then they said


“There is evidence of internal, pre-structural damage overlying from too focused thoughts, thought patterns of rigid value structures applied over an awakening matrix which must be moved.  She is having a difficult time removing the residual calcification of thought-forms; your assistance is required to move her and re-adjust according to contractual service.”


Then I asked them, “Why is it that she wishes she wasn’t in a body?”  She would always say, “I don’t know what I’m doing here; why am I alive?”  I asked them why she said that.  They said:


“Contractually, she is very far from her home; some 30-40 thousand light years.  She is an outpost messenger, so to speak.  It is as if a person is living in an extremely foreign country with virtually no one to communicate with.  It is a spiritual homesickness, rather than a moral or ethical weakness on her part.  She has had many lifetimes of service, and this culmination is a highly respected…


Rayelan:  Hold that, we don’t want to miss a word of that.  I was so intrigued with what you were saying about Daphne; I lost track of time.


I am talking with Wynn Free; Wynn Free is the man who wrote the book about David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce, and in my opinion, as soon as the book was finished, Wynn and David switched roles.  You will hear the story as time goes on.


You’re listening to Radio RMN AM here on the microeffect radio broadcast network, and we’ll be right back.


Welcome back; you’re listening to Radio RMN and my guest today is Wynn Free who is the author of the book “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation.”


Wynn has been sharing with us what happened to him right after he finished the book on Edgar Cayce.  Wynn, to remind our audience where you were:  you were reading.  You asked these people who Daphne was; she was sort of like some outpost, she was like an American soldier who had an outpost in Siberia, or something.


I’m just going to let you finish from there – how does that sound?


Wynn:  I’ll tell you what: I’ll start reading that answer again.


Rayelan:  Okay, great.


Wynn:  “Contractually, she is very far from her home; some 30-40 thousand light years.  She is an outpost messenger, so to speak.  It is as if a person is living in an extremely foreign country with virtually no one to communicate with.  It is a spiritual homesickness, rather than a moral or ethical weakness on her part.  She has had many lifetimes of service, and this culmination is a highly respected but sacrificial homage taken by her and many of her way showers.  Have patience here; when she feels as if she is really giving and being received, her gratitude for being used will increase.


As for now, the density of the earth changes weigh upon her interior metabolism very heavily and throws her endocrine system off balance.  It is indeed difficult to maintain any kind of emotional equilibrium at this present juncture.  Indeed, it is very difficult to maintain the life force at this juncture, but she had made a determined effort to fulfill her obligation and will not renege.”


It was mind-blowing; I said, “She couldn’t make that up.  That just was rattled right out.”  You know: no pause, extremely articulate.


I was going through all kinds of doubt; I said, “Maybe this is coming from her subconscious; maybe some part of her is making it up.”  A day or two later we did another session.  I asked them, “How do I know my friend’s not crazy?  How do I know she’s not schizophrenic and you’re not a sub-personality of hers?  Can you predict a newspaper headline in advance?” and they said, “Watch for this headline in two weeks.”  Two weeks later, there was the headline.  They really had my attention now.


I then said, “They’re real, but are they positive?  Can I trust them?”  I didn’t know.  I had studied enough when I was writing the Wilcock material to know that a negative source can come through somebody and can masquerade as being positive.  I didn’t know whether this was something negative that was trying to put me in another direction while I was writing this book.  For the next six months, she would interrupt whatever we were doing, and she would say, “Those guys want to talk to you again.”  I would take the tape recorder out; they didn’t ask anything of me.  The just said, “Ask them questions.”


So, I started on a whole line of questions.   I asked them about the book I was writing, I was asking the about the premises of the book of what the source that was coming through Wilcock was saying.  They were giving me exactly the same answers – exactly.  I was blown away.  It was like having a second opinion from the real significance of what the real significance of what this shift is.  Later on, I’m going to be telling you the gist of it; because for many of you this is going to be a new understanding of what we’re going through right now, and how you can actually make a difference.  This is one of the things I’ve learned; it’s got to be something that’s applicable; something that you can add to your life so it shifts your life.  Not just ideas, but something that gets you at a gut level to transform you.


At that time, I would call David up – I looked at him like the expert.  I said, “David, what do you think of this?  I got to tell you what’s going on.”  He was kind of freaking out about it; I was the author of this book; suddenly, I have someone in my life that’s channeling and answering questions.  I wasn’t talking to anyone about this to anyone; I thought it was so crazy that I would never get my book published about David because calling David Edgar Cayce, pushes the limits of credulity pretty far.  Now, the guy writing the book has someone in his life that is channeling and it looks like I’m a wanna-be or something.  I had no desire to have this happen; I never sought to have it happen.  It all just started on this rainy car ride when I said, “Does anybody want to talk to me?”


About four months into this, something happened that pushed the whole thing further.  I got a call from my brother-in-law and my brother-in-law told me my sister was going in the hospital the next day, and they didn’t think she was going to survive.  She was having this very critical operation.  We did a session, and I asked them, “Can you help my sister?”  They said they could.  My brother in law called me again the next day and he said, “JoAnne survived the operation.”  I thought it was coincidence; I couldn’t believe because I asked this voice to help my sister, she was alive.  A few weeks later I get another call from my brother in law and then he tells me something really strange happened; JoAnne had to go in for tests to see if cancer came back, and the nurse said, “There was no cancer, but there was something wrong with the tests.”  They re-tested her a few time, and they couldn’t understand the test results, because her lupus disappeared from the test; lupus never goes away, according to traditional medical protocol.


Now, I knew they did something; I knew there was some kind of intervention.  I went back and I asked them, “How did you guys do that?”  They said “We just put a filter in her blood and took the lupus out.”  I said, “Oh, is that all?”  Now, I’m really struck.  I said “This is really important.  I’m talking to a source that just can heal people.”  I didn’t know what to do at that point.


The woman, Daphne, was going crazy over all of this.  I have learned now that she was getting psychically attacked; I didn’t know it at the time.  She was out of balance; she couldn’t sleep at night.  She was pacing, she was restless.  She would go into panic attacks.  In September of 2002, she left me.  I thought this was the end of it.  I remember having a pile of about 15 cassette tapes of all of our sessions and I almost threw them away.  I said, “Now David and I can get along; I don’t have to worry about this anymore.  It’s in the past.”


A few weeks later, I called up my long-term friend Terry.  We have been on again off again for thirty years, but we’ve always maintained a really great friendship.  I told her I was really suffering; I had a broken heart; would she consider coming over and staying over with me.  She said, “Okay.”  And, she did; she came over and woke me up in the middle of the night.


Ray, I have a question.  Terry happens to be here.  If it’s okay, I’ll stick the microphone on her and let her tell you from her experience what happened when she woke me up.


Rayelan:  That sounds great.


Wynn:  This is a wild story.  If I heard this story like this, I’d think, “Is that guy making this up?  It sounds like a movie!”  I felt like I was in a movie.


Terry, are you listening?  I’m going to have you put on this here and tell the story of what you were experiencing when you came over that night and you woke me up.


Rayelan:  Hi, Terry.  Are you there?


Terry:  Yes, I’m here.


Rayelan:  It’s just like talking on a telephone.  What happened when you woke Wynn up in the middle of the night?


Terry:  What happened was, I felt a pressure on the right hand side of my head going like “knock knock knock” and I recognized the frequency of the individuals that were going “knock knock knock”, the beings, because I’d sat through one of the channelings and I had asked if I could possibly learn how to do that.  They said I could.


Here they were going “knock knock knock” and I recognized the frequency and so I talked to them.  I said “Hi.”  They said “We want to talk to Wynn.”  I said “Wynn’s sleeping, so why don’t you talk to me and we can get to know each other.”  They said “No.  We want to talk to Wynn.”  So I said “Okay.”  I woke Wynn up then asked him to get the tape recorder out.  He tape-recorded it and they asked him to ask them questions and said Wynn could contact them through me.


I’ve had some experience with channeling; I learned how to channel in 1995.  At the time I couldn’t get Wynn interested at all; he’d take me there and drop me off but he wouldn’t come in.  He just was not interested in channeling, but after this experience, he pursued it.


Rayelan:  That is most interesting, to be awakened in the middle of the night.  Actually, I would have done the same thing; I said, “I’m here; I’ll talk to you.”  It must have been rather off-putting to be told, “No.  We only want to talk with Wynn.”


Wynn, are you back?


Terry:  Yes, he’s back…


Wynn:  Hello.


Rayelan:  Wynn, do you remember what that particular channeling was about that you had to be awakened in the middle of the night to hear them?


Wynn:  Again, they just aid to ask them questions.  They never have come on and said, “We have this great message for you.”  They just said to ask them questions.


In retrospect, I understand why they did it that way.  That’s because they wanted to create a co-creative connection with me.  It would be so easy to be tempted to give up your power, and say, “Tell me what to do.”  In fact, at that time I was thinking, “What do you want me to do?  How shall I do this?”  What I realized was they didn’t know what to do, because it’s not about giving up your power to some external force; it’s always about co-creation in this realm.  They just wanted me know that they were real and most of what I do has been out of my own creativity, not that they say, “Do this do that.”  I’ve had to figure out, and it hasn’t been easy believe me, because figure how to make this work in such a way that it benefits other people.  And, it didn’t cause people to become believers and many believers in this channeling.  I think I asked them, “How come Terry can do this?”  I thought that some part of her was doing this to win me.


For the next couple of months, we just had sessions; we were in this little apartment, and I’d take out a tape recorder and I’d ask them questions.  I was still testing it; I was still testing it, saying, “Can I trust this?  Do they have an agenda?”  There were a couple of things that happened, that kept happening, that kept convincing me that they were who they said they were.  I haven’t really said who they were up until now.  I’ll share with you how they identified themselves.


They said they were the Council of Elohim.  I looked up the word Elohim on Google and I found things like “the creators of the physical universe”, “one of the name for God in the Old Testament”, “the name that the Mormons use for God.”  I went back and I asked them, “Excuse me; are you the same Elohim?”  They said “We’re part of the same.”  I said, “Why are you talking to me?”  They said, “You’re like a cosmic midwife; you know how to bring these things out into the world, you don’t have ego about it.”  I had no idea what to do at that point, and how to work this.  It was a bit overwhelming to have two women in a row tap me on the shoulder and say, “They want to talk to you again” and it was so informal.  Suddenly I had this voice talking to me that said they created the universe.


I’ll share a bit about this.  If anyone who is listening has really a strong opinion about how things work, about how God works – drop your opinion right now and be open-minded, because this is going to be a way of looking at things.  It doesn’t take away what you’re using that works for you; it’s another way of explaining it as I’ve come to learn it.  I asked them who they were, how they worked, how they operated.  For me, it was solving a great deal of the mystery of how things work.


Originally, there was no physical universe.  Originally, there was one awareness, only one awareness and it was by itself and it didn’t think of itself as God.  It was aware that it existed and it was energy.  It made the decision, or learned that it could subdivide itself like an amoeba and there would be two energies; and the two energies were aware that they were all part of the same energy, but they had different vantage points so they could pass energy back and forth.  So, it was more interesting.


Now, that process kept going on until there were millions of energies and those original millions of energies were the Elohim.  They were having fun; they were experimenting.  They could communicate with each other, they could project – I can’t image exactly what it would be like – but, somehow they could make projections to each other and feel each other.  In that time, there was no persistence.  Everything would only last as long as one of those beings was holding it in their focus; as soon they stopped it would disappear.


They were experimenting on how to create persistence, how to focus energies, how to compress energy so that it would last; it would exist outside of themselves in some way.  They succeeded.  That was the beginning of the physical universe.  Originally, it was as if they had an aquarium and they were building something in an aquarium like a biosphere that they could observe and watch it evolve.  They, then, were able to move into the biosphere; there were beings there.  They could move into it and out of it.  They could share space with one of the beings, somewhat like they shared with Terry and with Daphne – they could move in and they’d move out.  Over time, they started getting stuck.  They couldn’t get out.


Rayelan:  Wynn, I’ve got to tell you your story is so incredible.  Make a note where you are, because the Elohim have their aquarium and they’re just about to put all of us into it eventually.


We’ve got to go to break.  I just want to tell our listeners, that you are listening to Wynn Free.  If you would like to go over to his website you can go to  He’s not selling anything; it’s an instant download for a free e-book; it’s the book with the answers many thought there was no answers to.  That’s pretty darn good.


Folks, you’re listening to Radio RMN; my name is Rayelan Allan, my guest is Wynn Free.  He did write that very famous book, which is “The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation.”


Wynn and I will be right back.  You’re listening to Radio RMN; we are brought to you over the microeffect radio broadcast network.


Copyright 2002-2012 Wynn Free and Message a Day  This
transcription may be freely shared, provided this copyright
notice and contact information is included and there is no
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Spirit Channel.  You are invited to join our live conferences.
The schedule is posted here. 

Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly.
Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious
mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may
interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what
resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is
meant for the person asking the question and you have the
privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain
insights from the answer. However,  even though the
circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer
applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your
doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner.  Some people
get healings here, so you can be open to it.