Subject: Last night’s Online Privacy Webinar replay is up! (It was great!)

It was empowering to learn these 5 easy steps to keep your data out of the hands of the Government and Big Tech.

Did you make it to the free class on online privacy last night?

It was hosted by my friend Glenn Meder, an online privacy and security expert.

The class was fantastic, and it covered very important topics that everyone should learn.

You can watch it here.

Privacy is about so much more than closing your bathroom door.

In fact, privacy is what protects all of our freedom.

But the Government and Big Tech are trying hard to gather as much data on you as possible.

This is not a “conspiracy theory” either, it’s common knowledge.

That’s why 72% of Americans say that they are “very concerned” to “extremely concerned” about their online privacy.

And chances are, you’re concerned about the mass surveillance that’s going on, but haven’t taken any real steps to protect yourself.

If so, I don’t blame you. This stuff is hard.

There’s a lot that goes into using your phone and computer safely.

But I can give you a plan that walks you step-by-step through ALL the steps to protect your identity online.

It’s called the Privacy Action Plan.

The Privacy Action Plan is an online course and community developed by my friend Glenn Meder. It’s designed for non-techy people who want to reclaim their privacy and security easily.

You can go at your own pace, taking one baby step after another, learning short little lessons, and taking smart actions along the way so you never get overwhelmed or confused.

And because you’re on my newsletter reading this right now…

Glenn is giving you a HUGE discount on the Privacy Action Plan.

The discount ends this Sunday, so make sure you take advantage of this offer while you can.

Joe Jarvis

P.S. The FREE REPLAY of Glenn’s privacy class from yesterday is still available until Sunday evening. If you haven’t signed up yet… you can watch the replay here.