Subject: 👍Best Beardie Feeding Practices

Feeding a beardie can feel like feeding a toddler. Here are some suggestions to help.

Hi Friend,

Feeding a beardie can feel like trying to feed a toddler. You want to give them the best…but they don't always want to eat it!

What to do?

Why not start with this week's blog? You will learn:

  • What bearded dragons eat in the wild (brace yourself - it's not always pretty)

  • Why a wild diet may not suit your pet

  • The Bearded Dragon Food Pyramid

  • How often to feed most supplements

  • Staple vs. treat insects—what to feed when

Enjoy! (And if you have any questions, just leave a comment on the blog!)

Have a good week,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Pet pantry getting empty? Stock up here!

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