Subject: 👌What to Feed Your Dubias (+ superworm news)

Ever ask yourself "What should I feed my dubias?" Read this week's blog for best dubia diet practices.

Hi Friend,

Have you ever asked yourself: 🤷‍♀️"What should I feed my dubias?"

👌Read our latest blog to learn:

   ✔ What foods dubias love most

   ✔ The latest research on dubia diet

   ✔ What NOT to feed your roaches (for the health of your reptile!)

   ✔ Gut loading suggestions

   ✔ How to encourage picky dubias to eat

Check it out here:

Enjoy your week,

The Bug Shed Team

P.S. Some unrelated (but epic) news: Superworms are back in stock! 😃

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