Subject: We've read 1,000 books! 😎

We've read 1,000 books (and more!)

Congratulations to this week's winner, summertime! We hope the Self Care raffle bag brings you plenty of rest and relaxation. There were 225 tickets in this raffle (WOW!)

We have BLOWN PAST 1,000 books this week! As of Thursday afternoon, we've read a total of 1,131 books together. đŸ„łđŸŽ‰đŸŽ‰đŸŽ‰

There are still a few hand-woven bookmarks available! If you're using curbside pickup, feel free to request a bookmark when you schedule your books for pickup. Just let us know the title of your favorite book this year!

Click here to register.

You deserve some self care.

Didn't win this week's Self Care raffle? You still deserve some self care. Whether that means morning yoga, a self-help guide, or a great cheese platter—why not all three?—we've got you covered!

The More Or Less Definitive Guide To Self-Care by Anna Borges

Some days you need a pick-me-up, some days you need a life preserver. Borges gathers over 200 tips, activities, and stories (from experts and everyday people alike). Make any day a little more OK with new skills in your self-care toolkit—and energy to show up for yourself.

The Self-Care Solution: A Year Of Becoming Happier, Healthier, And Fitter—One Month At A Time by Jennifer Ashton

ABC’s chief medical correspondent helps you ring in the New Year right with a resolution that’s actually doable: a year-long plan to improve your emotional and physical health—from giving up alcohol to doing a digital detox, but each for only one month.

Clean Mind, Clean Body: A 28-Day Plan For Physical, Mental, And Spiritual Self-Care by Tara Stiles

Most of us are constantly plugged in and stressed out—tethered to our phones and e-mail, overworked and inactive at our desk jobs, and out of touch with what our bodies and our brains really need. Clean Mind, Clean Body is the ultimate reset button, an immersive experience in mental and physical self-care that will transform your daily routine and your habits.

That Cheese Plate Will Change Your Life: Creative Gatherings And Self Care With The Cheese By Numbers Method by Marissa Mullen

This beautifully designed book goes beyond preparation techniques. According to Mullen, cheese plates can be an important form of artistic self-care, like flower arranging or meditative coloring books—but you can eat the results! That Cheese Plate Will Change Your Life celebrates the ways in which cheese brings people together, and how crafting a cheese plate can be a calming, creativity-bolstering act.

Cosy: The British Art Of Comfort by Laura Weir

Cosy is “the slacker’s guide to staying at home, an antidote to peak frazzle.” With trademark Anglo cheekiness, Laura Weir perfectly captures the British essence of cosy. She celebrates socks, warms to the joys of toasty open fires, and extols the virtues of a quiet walk, ultimately enticing us all to create the British magic of cosy in our everyday lives.

Cozy: The Art Of Arranging Yourself In The World by Isabel Gillies

When we talk about being cozy, most of us think of a favorite sweater or a steaming cup of tea on a rainy day. But to Isabel Gillies, coziness goes beyond mere objects. To be truly cozy, she argues, means learning to identify the innermost truth of yourself and carrying it into the world, no matter your environment.

The Little Book Of Hygge: Danish Secrets To Happy Living by Meik Wiking

A guide to the Danish philosophy of well-being shares advice and ideas for taking healthy breaks, living in the moment, creating positive atmospheres, building relationships, and finding the richness of life in everyday small comforts.

Sit Down To Rise Up: How Radical Self-Care Can Change The World by Shelly Tygielski

The practice of self-care is most often touted for its profound mind, body, and spirit benefits. Shelly Tygielski shows that self-care can also be a powerful tool for spurring transformative collective action. As she used radical self-care practices to manage a serious chronic health issue, she had an epiphany: finding true health and peace is not a solo endeavor but one that lives in connection with others.

Gardening For Mindfulness by Holly Farrell

Gardening, like mindfulness, is a way of finding a sense of calm in an otherwise chaotic world, a simpler existence, even if it is only for a few minutes. Both forge a connection to the world around us, to nature and wildlife, which can bring pleasure and peace. In this beautifully illustrated guide to gardening for mindfulness, horticulturalist and mindfulness practitioner Holly Farrell provides a blueprint for a more contemplative way to garden, including projects, meditations and inspiration.

The Tea Enthusiast's Handbook: A Guide To Enjoying The World's Best Teas by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss

While a cup of tea may be a simple pleasure for most of us, there are a dizzying number of tastes from which to choose. And every tea, whether a delicately sweet green tea from Japan or a bracing, brisk Darjeeling black, tells a story in the cup about the land that nurtured it and the tea-making skills that transformed it.

The Power Of Fun: How To Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price

Weaving together scientific research with personal experience, a journalist and screen/life balance expert, in this timely book, makes the case that True Fun—magical confluence of playfulness, connection and flow—gives us the fulfillment we so desperately seek.


 We're seeing some shake-ups in the leaderboard this week! This week's raffle winner summertime has scooted ahead into first place, followed by sharonkay in second and ALigas in third. goue31187, marie5k, and teachetc are tied for fourth place, and we've got a four-way tie for fifth place between Carmela, Patt58, Bobbie, and srfasciano!

Want to see more? Check out the full leaderboard.

Bling Things Raffle

Love bling? This basket is for you! The winner will get to pick the necklace hanger color and paper! The raffle will be held on Thursday, August 11. There are only 43 tickets in this raffle so far, so the odds are in your favor!

The Bling Things raffle ($75 value) includes:

  • Custom jewelry hanger

  • Earring hanger

  • $25 gift card to Dynasty Jewelers

  • Berlin-Peck Memorial Library tote bag

For a full list of raffles and challenges, visit the summer reading page or pick up a copy of the summer reading booklet.

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