Subject: In a reading slump? 📚

In a reading slump? Try this.

Congratulations to our third winner, donna! (There are a few "donnas" registered, so to clarify: the winner's username is spelled exactly "donna," all lowercase.) We're sure you'll make something awesome with the Getting Crafty supplies. There were 87 tickets in this raffle.

As of Thursday afternoon, we've read a total of 754 books read by 203 readers! You might notice that number has gone down slightly from previous newsletters... we had to delete a few fake registrations from spam bots. But we're still beating past years' registration numbers! If you haven't registered yet, click here to register.

How to get over a reading slump.

We've all been there... you want to read (or want to want to read) but just don't have the motivation. You might find yourself struggling to make progress on your current book, or indecisive about your next read. If that sounds familiar, Washington Post's Stephanie Merry has 14 ways to get out of a reading slump—excellent advice on getting back to joyful, engaged reading!

Merry's first suggestion is to reread an old favorite. So break out your favorite classic (or your favorite guilty pleasure!) We asked our Facebook followers for their go-to rereads, and got some great answers.

Having trouble committing to a whole novel? Try starting small with a collection of short stories or poetry.

You can also switch it up, with books that aren't your usual fare. Branch out into new formats, like audiobooks and graphic novels. Swap out your historical fiction and thrillers for a new genre like science fiction or romance—or check out the Young Adult section, which has seen explosive growth in the last decade.

Finding the right book can often get you out of a slump: Merry recommends letting lucky guide you—wandering the stacks can be relaxing and rewarding!—or seeking out professional help (that's us). And don't be afraid to abandon books that don’t spark joy. You can always pick it up again later... or not!

Committed to tackling those books in your To Be Read list? A tried-and-true method is to set goals, like a commitment to read at least 10 minutes a day. Merry also recommends just forcing it—tackle something that's emotionally tough to jolt yourself out of a slump.

When all else fails, have faith. Slumps don’t last forever. Give yourself permission not to stress about it!


sharonkay has moved up into first place this week, followed by summertime in second, and Shellbolz in third. Fourth place is a four-way tie between Carmela, Patt58, marie5k, and morganh, and fifth place is another four-way tie between goue31187, Allisonbrigandi, ALigas, and Bobbie!

Want to see more? Check out the full leaderboard.

Take a Break Raffle

Lunch is on us! The raffle will be held on Thursday, July 28. There are tickets in this basket so far.

The Take a Break raffle ($65 value) includes:

  • pot holders

  • paper plates

  • napkins

  • lemonade mix

  • cheddar parmesan crackers

  • $25 gift card to Box Bistro

  • Berlin-Peck Memorial Library tote bag

For a full list of raffles and challenges, visit the summer reading page or pick up a copy of the summer reading booklet.

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