Subject: Time to Fall basics

Hi Friend, 

As a child, daylight savings time was always a mystery to me. I never really understood this bi-annual event until it started to impact my teenage activities. Initially, I couldn't keep the time change straight until my boss reminded me after showing up late for work that we spring ahead and fall back when setting our clocks.  

It was a basic reminder, but I never showed up late again. 

As I got older, setting the clocks back in the fall also reminded me that I only had a couple of months to reach my year-end goals or targets.
Are you on target to hit your year-end goals? 

Here are my four basic tips that will help keep you going until the end of the year. I know you’ll find them as helpful as I do. 

1. Purpose – Take a moment and review what is driving you to reach your goals. Are you looking to increase your profitability, implement a new CRM system, or maybe hire a new team member? Whatever your year-end goals are, take a moment to review your current target to ensure you’re on track to hit them.

2. Prioritize – After your review, setting priorities will help you focus on first things first (Stephen Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and avoid distractions. You may be tempted to try and complete everything on your year-end to do list, but life and business as a funny way of not cooperating. (I blame Murphy’s Law) Concentrate on the big items and the little ones will take of themselves. 

3. Planning – Once you prioritize, you can start planning your next steps. Start by calculating how time, resources and effort you’ll need to hit your year-end targets. You can adjust your schedule and routine as required. Whatever short term changes you have to make, the easier it will be when you have a plan and made preparations beforehand. 

4. Press the start button – The final step may be the most challenging. You can do all of the above, but without committing to action, nothing will change. There could be many obstacles preventing you from taking action. However, your year-end goals are important to you and you want to reach them. Don’t let fear, lack of confidence or not believing in yourself get in the way of your success. Remember to plan your work, and work your plan! 

Join us in The OR Lounge (complimentary membership) to see more ideas and tips to help you quickly move forward.
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