Subject: Supporting the workforce to Keep the Promise

Staf August newsletter: The latest news, updates and participation options for care experienced people and the workforce.

Dear Friend

Welcome to the latest Staf newsletter. We hope this finds you well.

As we approach the end of the Promise Plan 21:24 you will no doubt be aware that the sector is taking some time to reflect on the past 3 years but also look ahead to what comes next.

Our National Conference, which I’m delighted to say is now on sale, will be looking at how Plan 21:24 has been implemented in relation to young people transitioning out of care, highlighting best practice and also focusing on the next steps alongside a continued focus on relationships, friendships and learning. Early bird tickets for Staf members and non-members are now on sale and with last year’s Conference selling out we’d suggest booking soon to avoid disappointment.

At our Conference you will also be hearing from our new team member, Thomas Carlton who is on secondment from the Promise Scotland. Thomas and the team at Staf will be working to ensure that the promise is delivered for care leavers and as part of this will soon be engaging in a 100 Days of Listening which aims to speak to care experienced people and the workforce. The ambition is to generate a wish list of wants for those transitioning from care which will then be used to inform national and local government action. We are hoping that all of you with Moving On expertise will sign up to have your voice and the voices of those you support heard. You can register your interest here.

Hopefully you will have seen the survey Fiona Duncan circulated seeking feedback on what follows on from Plan 21:24 in the wider context. Staf has collated themes and feedback from our workforce forums and focus groups in our response. But if you’ve missed the survey there’s still time to feed this back as part of our ongoing conversations with Fiona and the Promise Scotland. If you’d like us to raise any issues on your behalf please email

We’re delighted to have welcomed Pamela Graham back to Staf this month as our Head of Operations and I know she’s looking forward to engaging with our members and allies. This month we were also delighted to welcome two new board members who will be using their lived experience of care to shape and inform our work. Next month we also say a fond farewell to Shaun Docherty as he starts university but with the knowledge that he will always be part of the Staf family and no doubt working with us during holiday periods.

We have a couple of vacancies that will be advertised shortly so please consider applying/sharing our vacancies within your networks. One part time post will be to support the Learning Partner work we are undertaking as part of an independent evaluation of the Scottish Mentoring & Leadership Programme (replacing Shaun’s role as he moves onto university) and the other will be a full-time post to support the Learning & Development elements of our Supportive Workforce (Promise funded) project.

As our team expands so too does the scope of our work. To help keep you and your team up to speed on what we’re working on we have set up some free, online Staf information Sessions which are open to all and a great way to find out what we’re doing and how you can get involved. You can sign up for our October meeting here.

I'm also delighted to share that we are currently working alongside the Why Not? Trust, Early Years Scotland and the Promise Scotland to explore if a charter for care experienced parents could work in Scotland, following the successful introduction of one in Wales. People with care experience are being invited to informal workshops in September to share their views, including one in the Staf participation space in Glasgow. Please do signpost this participation opportunity to any care experienced people you know. You can find out more about this in our Policy and Practice section below.

There’s still time to sign up for the Cross-Party Group on Care Leavers which is meeting on Wed 13 Sep 6pm – 8pm to look at overcoming stigma and supporting care experiencing students in further and higher education. To join us online or in person at the Scottish Parliament, simply complete our registration form.

We’re also inviting care experienced people and their networks to join us at Project Return’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs on Tue 24 & Thu 26 October, during Care Experienced Week, where we will be showcasing mental wellbeing services and activities.

Finally, following a break for summer, our workforce focus groups and forums are back and we’d love to see some new faces alongside our regular attendees. You can sign up to all our forthcoming events and forums at

We look forward to engaging with you soon.

Jo Derrick
Staf CEO

Staf Projects

Youth Just Voices & Inside Out - Care and Justice Experienced Steering Groups

  • Do you work with or support young people with experience of the care and justice systems? We are offering organisations the opportunity to invite project workers to team meetings for an input on the project and fun interactive info sessions for young people interested in the project. Please contact for more information or download our info flyer.

  • Want to find out what Youth Just Us have been up to? Check out our new video!

  • Are you based in the North East of Scotland? Do you know any young people who would like to be part of our new Youth Justice Voices Project? We are hosting an info session on Wednesday 2 August at Four Pillars, Aberdeen. Click here to access the event flyer or email to register interest.

You can keep up to date with the work of Youth Just Us and Inside Out via our Twitter account @YJVScotland 

The Real Toolkit

This month's featured guide is for the care experienced people Supporting Young People in Education which looks at how the workforce can support care experienced students.

You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with our progress.

National Leadership Network (NLN) which Staf are lead hosts of alongside our partners at CYCJ, Columba 1400, Resilience Learning Partnership and Who Cares? Scotland.

NLN Development Co-ordinator Gary shares what's been happening this month

Steering Group


The Steering Group are now waiting on receiving funding applications from the hosts. In preparation for this they have been taking part in training on decision making and scoring. This has also been an opportunity for the group to think about group dynamics, feedback, and group roles.


Gemma has been busy organising a Steering Group team building day in Dundee. Gemma has led on organising transport, booking an activity, and most importantly organising food!


The group have been discussing various opportunities they have been asked to get involved in such as working with various partners on a national project on language. This will involve a couple of members of the Steering Group having the opportunity to help plan and then attend a residential in Stirling this October.  The group have also been asked about being consulted on the Bairn’s Hoose project.


Aimee from the Steering Group has been interviewed for an article on the NLN for national project Leader’s Unlocked. Aimee talked about what she has been doing in the NLN, the flexibility she has experienced in her role being a new mum and what she thinks of leadership. More info to follow.


At the recent inhouse NLN quiz Gemma, Harley and Barry took first, second and third places. Well done to you all!




Three of the Consultants have met up this month to update each other on what they have been doing.


Tiffy has been working on the NLN Volunteering Strategy and a project with an ID focus.


Kira and Renee have been working on a Prezi which tells part of the NLN story to date. Please get in touch if you would like to see this. They have both also recently met the Steering Group to discuss the idea of peer support sessions which they are leading on.


Chris has made sure all the Steering Group got the NLN hoodies sent out to their homes. He has also been working on an in person and online roadshow, more info to follow soon. He also planned an inhouse quiz for #TeamNLN.


Representatives from the Steering Group, Consultants and hosts took part in an inhouse quiz this month. This was great fun and a great opportunity to get to know each other better.


As always this is a bit of snapshot of some of the things #teamNLN are working on. If you would like more information on anything mentioned here, please contact 

Staf Events

Implications of Continuing Care Focus Group
Tue 5 Sep

Care Leavers into Employment, Education & Training
Tue 19 Sep

Each and Every Child Introduction to Framing Webinar

Wed 20 Sep

Local Authority Manager's Forum
Wed 27 Sep

Participation Practitioners' Forum
Thu 28 Sep

Staf Information Session
Wed 4 Oct

Supported Lodgings, Supported Carers Focus Group
Tue 17 Oct

Care Experienced Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs
Tue 24 & Thu 26 Oct

Staf National Conference 2023

Wed 22 Nov

The Participation Network

We are delighted to be the new hosts of The Participation Network, taking over from 5 years of #partycipation facilitated by our friends at CELCIS. The Network is open to anyone involved in helping others share voice and influence change. If you'd like to find out more and sign up to the network click on the link below.

Cross Party Group on Care Leavers
Staf is secretariat to the Cross Party Group on Care Leavers, chaired by MSP Paul O'Kane. Join us to discuss issues raised by care leavers from housing, to mental health, education and finance.

Next meeting: Wed 13 Sep 6pm, Scottish Parliament & Zoom
Topic: Experiences of stigma in further and higher education settings
How to join? Complete registration form.

Policy and Practice Updates 

CELCIS Continuing Care Research
Staf member CELCIS is looking for young people aged 12 - 26 to share their views of learning about and for the older cohort, experiencing continuing care. Check out their flyer for more information.

The Promise Strategic Workplan
The Promise Scotland have published their 'Focus on the Promise' workplan for the year 23/24. The Moving On section relates to the work being carried out by Thomas Carlton, as part of his secondment with Staf. 

Education Outcomes for care experienced young people
The Scottish Government has published its annual report on education outcomes for 'Looked after' children. The report reveals progress in relation to the number of young people staying on at school and achieving higher qualifications but there is still a marked disparity between their non care experienced peers.

Care Experienced views wanted on Parent Charter
Following the successful introduction of a charter for young parents with care experience in Wales, we want to find out what could work in Scotland. People with care experience are being invited to informal workshops in September to share their views. These workshops are being facilitated in collaboration with our team at Staf together with the Why Not? Trust, Early Years Scotland, and The Promise Scotland, with support from Dr Louise Roberts at Cardiff University. Please do signpost this participation opportunity to any care experienced people you know.  

Recommended Allowances for Kinship and Foster Cares Agreed
The Scottish Government and COSLA have agreed on a Scottish Recommended Allowance for Foster and Kinship carers which our members have been calling for. The agreement is delivered alongside £16m in funding. 

Care Leaver Payment User Research
The Scottish Government are looking to consult with young people who have left or are in the process of leaving care on the design of a Care Leaver Payment (formerly Care Experienced Grant) which they propose will be a one off sum of £2000. Click more info to access the survey for young people.
To find out other ways to take part email

Member of the Month: Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership
Glasgow HSCP are a longstanding member of Staf. Their work on Keeping the Promise has recently been highlighted by COSLA.

Glasgow City HSCP launched a Strategic Review of their Young People’s Accommodation and Support Services last year to ensure that their accommodation and support services meet the needs of all of Glasgow’s young people. Two of their Promise Participation Workers have been part of the re-design team reviewing the support and accommodation options for care experienced young people who are ready to move on from where they live, ensuring young people's experiences are at the heart of any redesign.

Glasgow HSCP are working alongside The Promise Design School and following the Scottish Approach to Service Design (SAtSD), which is a co-production and collaboration model.  

They said "Our Promise Participation Workers have changed how we do things in Glasgow – for the better. We can’t and won’t change now how we support Glasgow’s children, young people and their families without their influence."

What We Love This Month

💜 Attending Who Cares? Scotland Keeping the Promise Communities that Care event and meeting likeminded partners committed to ending the media perpetuated stigma felt by many care experienced people.
💜The Scottish Poetry Societies Poetry for Wellbeing Workshops toolkit which was developed by a group of social workers.
💜Checking out the Festival of Politics with our Guaranteed Income advisory group.