Subject: Feelings of grief and loss for a sick or dying animal are painful: your heart, your head, your whole body might hurt. Seek relief. Here's how.

Feelings of grief and loss for a sick or dying animal are painful: your heart, your head, your whole body might hurt. Seek relief. Here's how.

March 15th, 2023 at 2:33 pm EDT

View onlineContent is Light Encoded to assist your journey. ~~Is one of your animal companions getting ready to leave their body? It's normal for feelings of grief and loss to start before your animal companion has even departed. ~~ Dear Friend, As e ...

Has your animal developed painful adhesions after spay/neuter causing your cat to spray or your dog to pee in the house?

March 8th, 2023 at 12:29 pm EDT

View onlineContent is Light Encoded to assist your journey. ~~ Cats and dogs who are spayed and neutered sometimes develop painful adhesions that lead to unwanted behaviors. ~~ Dear Friend, Are you experiencing any of these challenges: Your cat is no ...