Subject: You may feel you're the only one grieving, but you're not alone. We're all in this together. Help your heart feel lighter at "Healing Grief & Loss #2"

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

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When you grieve, your whole body shows your sadness.

Dear Friend,

You may feel you're the only one grieving,
but you're not alone.

We're all in this together!

Everyone seems to be grieving to some degree these days. Planet-wide grief is growing as people realize they must let go of the old ways of being and doing.

Environmental disasters;
loss of homes, family, friends, animal companions, jobs;
changes in life styles;
old ways of being that no longer work,

feeling of disconnecton
and more ...
are evoking grief and loss in large numbers of people.

You are not alone, but you may feel alone. That loneliness is part of the letting go and grieving process.

You are not alone, but you may feel alone. That loneliness is magnified when people don't share their true feelings.

You are not alone, but you may feel alone. There's nothing "wrong" with you. Feelings just are. Judging yourself negatively for how you feel makes it more difficult to work through and release those feelings.


The good news is, you can release the powerful emotions of the grieving process to facilitate and accelerate your healing.

The good news is, you can get support from others who are going through the same process that you are.

The first free session of healing grief and loss on August 28 was a great success. That's why I'm offering a second session. Come and discover the benefits for yourself.

Come again, and experience more relief.

Join me for the free program:

Healing Grief and Loss #2.

Saturday, September 18, 2021.

If you registered for the first session,
you don't need to register again.

Just mark your calendar.
You'll receive the Zoom link in a subsequent mailing.

If you didn't register before,

Please share this offering with friends and family whom you believe would be interested

In Light, Love, and Service,


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Ray of Healing Light

Private Services for Animals and Humans

~~ Services for Animals
To help you and your animals communicate,
and help them heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"

~~ Services for Humans

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Intuitive Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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