Subject: Tired of doing the same thing and getting the same inadequate result when your animal companion ignores your requests?

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

~~ If your old approach to resolving an animal's unacceptable behavior isn't working,
then it's time for a new approach. ~~

Dear Friend,

It's so easy for us humans to fall into a habitual emotional and behavioral response when we're coping on a daily basis with an animal whose behavior is unacceptable.

I've heard people say,

    "It always worked for my other dogs,"

assuming that, therefore, whatever they've been doing should work with the current dog.

Another frequent comment from clients who are seeking help with an animal is,

   "I get so angry and frustrated, and I just don't know what else to do."

Still others may say,

   "We tried a dog trainer, but that didn't help, either."

HERE'S WHY one or more Animal Communication
sessions may make all the difference:

  • Many times the animal's attitude shifts because she/he finally feels that someone is listening respectfully to their point of view.

  • The animal starts to listen because the professional communicator is using multiple forms to send information, i.e., pictures, words, and feelings can be combined for a more powerful message.

  • The animal feels respected and starts to open up when communicating with someone who isn't already upset with them and who isn't judging them.

  • Knowing that you are taking the time to have an Animal Communication session sends a message: "You are important to me and I'm willing to make an extra effort so we can understand each other and get along better."

  • When a Plan of Action is developed that the animal helps to create and agrees to, there is a greater chance for success because everyone is working together instead of pulling in different directions.

If you and one of your animals (dog, cat, bird, horse, iguana, bunny, alpaca, or other species) need are having difficulty working through a situation, then it's time to call for help.

Questions: Email Nedda

     Namaste. 🙏



     8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET

~~ Services for Animals
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"

~~ Services for Humans

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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