Subject: Reasons for Learning Animal Communication - Part 5

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Reasons for Learning Animal Communication - Part 5

Dear Friend,

People take classes in animal communication for many reasons.  Is YOUR #1 reason . . .

                         ~~ THE JOY OF IT?

It's so much FUN to speak telepathically with animals!  Animals can be funny.  Some have a hilarious sense of humor.  Others can be playful in the way they express themselves.  Some animals write poetry.  Some love to tell stories.  Others are more aloof and teach by challenging us to be quieter and learn to listen more intently.

When I speak telepathically with an animal I never know what I'm going to experience.  Each conversation is full of surprises.  Even when I speak with my own animals, I don't know what they might tell me, or refuse to tell me.

Getting to know their individual personalities, their personal philosophies and perspectives, their dreams, and life purposes are all part of having honest conversations with them.

In the TWA (Telepathy With Animals) Animal Communication Coaching Program you have many opportunities to meet a wide variety of animals.  Each animal teacher and each conversation is unique and special.

Join me and the animal faculty this September 7 through December 1 and experience this life-transforming teleseries.

Your animals and mine are part of the teaching faculty.  Sign up NOW to reserve your spot.  Get all the details, including the schedule of classes, and register at


Nedda's Services

Nedda Wittels, M.S., M.A., world renowned Animal Communicator, Master of Multidimensional Transformation, Light Worker, Healer, and Teacher, helps you EXPLORE your issues - become INSPIRED - and TRANSFORM your life.

> Animal Communication
> Distance Intuitive Healing for humans and animals.
> Akashic Record Consultations.
> Spiritual Coaching/Empowerment.
> Flower Essence Healing
> Private Mentoring sessions for AC Professionals.

Reach Nedda at 860-651-5771 or

Nedda is the founder and moderator of the Animal Communicator Forum,, whose mission is to make telepathy with animals as natural as breathing.

© Nedda Wittels

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