Subject: Our hearts 💕 are changing, and so are the animals' hearts, as this chipmunk showed me.

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Cheeky Chipmunk's Astonishing Behavior

🙏 Nedda's services.

Girl with box over her head.

Dear Friend,


The wild animals are definitely changing. The new Krystal Heart energy is having an effect on them, as it is with us and all life on the planet

One of my cats, Melissa, is a powerful hunter and likes to bring her prey home and into the house. I'm not really thrilled about this, but it's very difficult to stop her.

Last Saturday, in the middle of the day, she brought in a live chipmunk who was protesting loudly. It was fully alive and uninjured. Melissa put it down in the middle of the living room in the "cat playground."

The "cat playground" consists of a cat tunnel and many large piece of paper from boxes of things delivered all piled up in disarray. My two cats, Melissa and Starlight, love the sound the papers make and they run through them, hide under them, and chase toys and each other through the tunnel.

The chipmunk quickly found a place to hide and was so successful that Melissa quickly lost interest and went back outside. Knowing Melissa as I do, this meant she would have a "playmate" during the night.

While Melissa was out, the chipmunk went exploring. I try to stay out of these affairs until I see an opportunity to set up a have-a-heart trap. The chipmunk went down a short hall and disappeared from my ability to find it.

Hence I had no idea where to put the trap. I decided to wait until Melissa came back in and showed me where the chipmunk was hiding.

At 1 a.m., Melissa brought the chipmunk upstairs to my bedroom and set it loose. The frightened chipmunk was vocalizing again, and Starlight, my older cat, jumped off my bed to join in the chase. My bedroom isn't very large and there are baseboard radiators where small animals can hide.

Starlight doesn't hunt on her own and won't kill, but she was caught up in Melissa's excitement. So now 2 cats were scampering around my bedroom. It was a noisy activity which precluded my getting back to sleep.

Then I heard the chipmunk go down the stairs, and Melissa follow it. Starlight and I both went downstairs, too. We were all wide awake.

Suddenly I saw Melissa go back upstairs, abandoning the hunt.

So there I was, sitting in the living room at 2 a.m. with Starlight on my lap and with the chipmunk running around exploring, looking for a way out. We watched it run here and there and all around for a bit.

Next to the chair where we sat is a bowl of fresh water for the cats. It was no more than 12" from my feet. I watched the chipmunk find the water, and stop to take a drink. It must have known I was there, but acted as if no one else was in the room. It didn't even look at me and Starlight.

Starlight half-heartedly tried to jump down, but I didn't let her go. I sat watching the chipmunk wishing I had a camera handy, but I wasn't going to move because I wanted the chipmunk to get some water.

I spoke to it telepathically, but it didn't respond. I told it that I would try to help it leave the house, but it would have to be willing to go into a trap where I would put food for it. It drank it's fill and then ran off exploring some more. It never said a word to me.

I saw it go down the hall again and disappear into my office. So I got up and shut the office door. I prepared the Have-a-Heart trap with some nuts and seeds. These are high quality organic goodies that I buy for myself. I was sure the little guy/gal was hungry and hoped s/he would sniff out the food right away.

That didn't turn out to be the case.

I left the trap in the middle of the floor of my office, and came back about an hour later and found the chipmunk on my desk. There's a pillow next to my desktop computer monitor where the cats like to sit. There was cat hair and cat scent right where the chipmunk was now grooming itself. I sat down at the computer and the chipmunk didn't run away or stop it's bathing activities. It did look at me from time to time.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked. The chipmunk didn't reply. We just sat there together while I continued to be amazed by the chipmunk's boldness.

Before leaving my office, I made a short trail of 4 bits of nuts and seeds leading to the open side of the trap.

More time passed. I kept listening for the sound of the trap door shutting, but I never heard it.

Finally, just at the beginning of dawn, I checked again and the chipmunk was sitting in the trap. It wasn't even eating. Just sitting there. It had left 2 pieces of pine nuts on the floor. I guess only squirrels like pine nuts.

I took the trap outside across the street to my neighbor's back lawn which faces my house and where I was pretty sure Melissa had caught it. I have no chipmunks living in my own yard because Melissa lives here and I can't feed wild animals or birds safely.

I turned the chipmunk loose.

"Thank you," said the chipmunk. It left without seeming to run away.

When I shared this story with a Lightworker buddy of mine, she told me about a chipmunk who sat in her driveway the other day and refused to move out of the way of her car. Even when she honked the horn, the chipmunk didn't scurry off, which is a more typical behavior. It just sat there as tho' it owned the spot.

Are you experiencing some unusual wild-life activities? I think it's part of the Ascension. Do let me know if you have any interesting tales to share.




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~~ Services for Animals ~~
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"


~~ Services for Humans ~~

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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