Subject: How do you know truth? In your head? Heart? Stomach? Guts? Discover how you feel when you choose curiosity, joy, and excitement over fear.

Content is Light Encoded to assist your journey.

Girl with box over her head.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Dear Friend,

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

George Addair


Many people believe that fear is a natural response to change.  But what if we've been programmed to respond this way and to believe this?


What if curiosity, excitement, and joyous expectation are the natural response to change?


If change or the prospect of change triggers fear in you, triggers anxiety, worry, or anger in you, you are responding according to the programming of 3-D living.


There is another way to respond:  playfully, creatively, delightedly. This is how children respond before they give in to the programming.


What I find truly exciting is that you have the power to CHOOSE how you want to respond to each and every situation in your life.


You can choose to remain in fear

-- or --

You can choose a love-based response.


Love-based responses include:  calm, hopeful, courageous, excited, curious, playful, and adventurous.


Do you want to make the shift from fear based to love based?


To make a change, decide that you are ready to begin making the change.


Then take each situation as it comes up and check in with yourself.


Ask yourself, “Am I reacting from fear or from love?”

If you answer, "fear," then wrap your fear in love until it dissolves.


There are only 2 basic emotions: 

fear and love. 

All other emotions are variations of fear and love.


Consider that anxiety is a type of fear that something terrible is about to happen.


When you feel angry, ask yourself what you’re afraid of.  You may be surprise by the answer.


Jealousy is a fear of not being loved or not getting what you want because someone else appears to be getting it. 

Jealousy is based on the belief that there’s a limited amount of something and if someone else is getting some, you’re afraid there is less to go around and you’ll lose out.

This is really a lie because the universe has unlimited supplies of everything and you can manifest whatever you choose to experience.


Shame is a fear of having done something wrong, of being inadequate and vulnerable.


All the so-called “negative” emotions,

the 3-D emotions of low vibration

are based in fear.


All the so-called “positive” emotions,

the 5-D emotions of higher vibration

 are love based.

Examples of 5-D emotions are forgiveness, compassion, courage, generosity, and gratitude.


Generosity comes from believing that there is always more than enough for everyone, and that sharing means more for everyone, including yourself.


Courage enables you to move forward despite fear, and often helps banish fears.


Forgiveness comes from being able to love and let go of the past.


Love actually is stronger than fear and can dissolve it completely.


So which way do you want to live your life? 

Make the shift from fear-based to LOVE-based living!

💥 Check out Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™  💥




~~ Services for Animals ~~
To facilitate communication between you and your animals,
and help you both heal from life's traumas and challenges.

  • Animal Communication

  • Distance Energy Healing (including Preparation for Surgery and recovery).

  • HASTA - "Healing and Support for Traumatized Animals"


~~ Services for Humans ~~

To facilitate and support your personal healing and Ascension process

by gently guiding you into taking next steps that you choose.

  • Spiritual Empowerment Coaching™

  • Multidimensional Energy Healing

  • Multidimensional Body Scans

  • Preparation for Surgery

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