Subject: Friend, Things You Should Know, 2

You can go to and find a whole bunch of PDF documents that you can download that literally show you pretty much every part of what your Helo device does and how your devices work plus a few other things. 

The image below just shows the top part of the collection.
The device does so much more than we think it does and we only get to really understand what it is capable of showing us when we look at these guides. 

With each Helo device comes a one month free subscription to Helo Wellness. I was going to cancel this after the free month until I started reading some of these guides. 

My view was, "I don't think I really want to know what's going in my body" (I'm not the healthiest individual with my diabetes and high blood pressure). But it costs just $9 per month to keep this subscription going - that's £7. So I thought, what the hell.

Here's a little sample (Below) from the sleep PDF. This is eye-opening stuff and this isn't even a seriously helpful sample. 

Explore what you have and you will feel so much more confident about the decision you made and why you should share this.


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