Subject: Please read about how not to be hacked!

Patsy Evins Studio, Where Luxury is a Necessity!

Please read about how not to be hacked!
Hi Friend,

Just wanted you to know that my email account was stolen by hackers Tuesday. I suddenly got about 150 ‘failed delivery’ emails about that time, so my son started doing research to figure out what was going on. He ran a scan check on my website and my computer to see if they had been compromised. They were safe and fine. Hmm...

Then he called our server, Host Gator, to see if they had been hacked or if they could check our connection with them for hacking. They said they would do that for $180/yr. But if I don’t pay extra for security protection, it’s not their problem. It sounded irresponsible for a company to provide a serve but will not help with protection from their company’s source.

So Christopher did more research and narrowed it down to the source of the hacking. It came down to my emails. He changed my password to my email account and waited to see if the spamming stopped. I didn’t receive any new spams the rest of the day or the next morning. 

What my son suggests is if you received a strange email from me Tuesday that looks suspicious, DON’T CLICK THE STRANGE LINK, just delete it!!

If you are asked for any personal information… DON’T GIVE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION OUT!! Such as passwords, login info, personal identity proof…NOTHING! 


If you did receive an email from me Tuesday that looks bogus…Please Trash/ Delete the email!!

If you did receive a bogus email from me and already clicked on the link… Just to be safe, DO an AntiVirus SCAN on your computer to clean your computer!

(If you don’t have an antivirus program, you can use SOPHOS ( ) for MAC or PC for free, or if you have Windows 10, you can also use Windows Defender which is built in.)

I am sorry for the inconvenience!

Christopher’s research found out that the hackers like to attack small businesses because we do not have the big bucks, time, or employees to protect ourselves like large online companies. They didn’t count on me having a computer wiz son!
AN EXTRA TIP from my son... (he tells me to do this every time I have a questionable email):

Go to the top section were it says who the email is from. If you have a Mac, click on the little arrow icon by the sender name and it will show you the email of the sender. You will be able to tell if it is a true email from the name given or someone faking it for spam. (Wouldn’t of helped this time since someone hacked me, but good to know.)

Also, you can hover over any links to see if the address you are actually opening up ‘make sense’ and goes to the expected place, or if it goes to a strange or gibberish website DON’T CLICK IT. 

Again, we don't know how much spam they sent, but I wanted to give everyone a head's up. We blocked them quickly and everything is back to normal on my end.

I hope everyone is enjoying life and joyfully creating with your glass. 

Patsy   :)
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