Subject: The Light Filled Baseball Coach

Hey Friend,

A couple months ago, there was a moment at the end of the very last game of my son’s baseball season, where I saw something that made me “Get It,” and suddenly feel deeply, something magical in the game of baseball.

I’ve watched MANY games, and it wasn’t until I saw this special collection of moments, arranged in a mystical way, that I understood what was really taking place in these events, as I watched them unfold.

It had something to to with a particular coach, and the way he showed up – that was so different (in a good way) from any coach I’d watched before.

Last saturday, I got the chance to talk to this man, and hear more of his story.

Suddenly, it all made even more sense.

In today’s video, I want to share this story with you in the hopes it can shine some light into your day, like it has for mine.

Hope you have an awesome and amazing day!

Paul Hutchings

PS: If you're open to taking a look at a very special income stream vehicle, and/or feel like you'd like some more mentorship on your journey to freedom, this really might be something to consider. (if you haven't already joined of course). ;-)

PPS: Here's a couple cool pics from our digital gym this morning..