Subject: Top 3 Reasons To Go HARD CORE

So, a little bit different of a message today Friend!

I was recently listening to a new podcast with the famed biogarapher, Walter Isaacson about his new upcoming book about Elon Musk.

One of the things that stood out in that interview was the hard core, all in mentallity Musk has and requires of his team.

So much so, that his team is required, in some cases, to live on site and be willing to work INSANE hours, sacrificing family and other life endeavors, in pursuit of the mission.

I'm definitely not THAT hard core, however, there are some areas where I like to strive to be hard core SERIOUS and push myself.

Working out in the morning is one of them.

I have found that there are 3 HUGE benefits of workout out in the morning, and even being a little hard core, that translate (at least for me) directly to business and life success.

I wanted to share them with you in this video.

Here's to be selectively hard core in the areas that matter to us Friend!

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: If you're open to earning more residual income, faster, this might be worth taking a close look at.