Subject: The GREATEST Advantage Of Money...

Happy Freedom Friday Friend,

Hope you're day is off to an awesome start!

I wanted to pass something your way today...

This last week when I was camping with my family I read a fascinating book that had a profound insight on money.

This book was written by a young lady who grew up without much of an education.

Through long nights, early mornings & weekends she was able to slowly fight her way out of ignorance, superstition and the enslaving chains of false beliefs, and work her way up the path of enlightenment.

Even though I'm not much of fan of college (unless what you want to do in life requires it), I have to admit, I was super inspired to read this lady's story of how she ended up earning first, her bachelor's and then her master's and then even an PHD.

While she was attending school, she struggled BIG TIME with money.

There was one part of the story where she didn't have money to pay for books, tuition, food or even her rent.

She got so stressed out that she lost a ton of sleep and even developed stomach ulcers.

Thankfully, some help came, and she was able to get a few thousand dollars to help her on her way.

After all her bills were paid, she had $1,000 left over.

At this exact point in her story, she wrote this in her book....

"I began to experience the greatest advantage of money: being able to think of things other than money."

As I sat there in the mountains, reading this line on a Wednesday morning - it meant so much to me.

The mission of helping people be free, is about so much more to me, than fancy cars, nice homes and whatever else you might imagine when you think of people who are financially independent.

To me, when someone can think about things other than money, it's like their soul becomes unchained and free to think and do, those things that just might be infinitely more important than how much cash you've got in the bank.

Some quick examples that come to mind for me here... are...

  • Investing quality time with children, teaching, working, providing a great example to raise the best humans we can...

  • Reading and expanding our minds so we can be more free spiritually - which is a part of freedom that many people seem to over look... You can have all the money in the world, and still be be chained on the inside.... Thinking and processing ideas - helps to break those chains... and the more time you have to do this, the better - it seems to me...

  • Having time to do the things that make you smile, instead of always putting them off because the bill collectors are calling...

Anyway Friend, Just wanted to send this email as a reminder that you should never be ashamed that you have important financial goals for yourself and your family because, as this young lady so eloquently put it, the most important advantage of money - is not money. ;-)

We covered this in more detail, along with some other powerful concepts on today's Grow Rich Mastermind.

You can catch the replay for free by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762# or by listening right here, right now.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!


PS : "A life without a dream, is like breath without oxygen."

PPS: One extra cool thing about the business our team has built, is that it can run (once you have the right things in place) without you!

Case in point:   While I was camping 2 new customers watched this video and decided to get started. On top of that, residual sales notifications poured in a constant stream all week, all while I was NOT working.

If you're serious about creating more freedom in your life - I believe you owe it to yourself to stop whatever it is you're doing and give your full, focused attention to everything you see on this page.