Subject: 17 Seconds Of Power

Hey Friend, 

I'm actually writing you this email, sitting next to a stream, from a secluded mountain area in Idaho.  

The family and I decided to take a few days off and 'head to the hills'.  😊 

When I told one of my best friends and fellow freedom crusading affiliates (Amy Starr Allen) that I was leaving again, she said "wow that's cool.  Sure seems like you're going on vacation a lot." 

When she said that, it hit me, that I am and how cool it is that I can run my business, entirely from a mountain stream or a beach in Maui.  

All I need is my phone and an internet connection.  

What a blessing, what a gift!  

Anyway Friend, I did want to send you my 17 Seconds Of Power video from the other day, that explains how I handle social media haters. 

I don't get them often, but the truth is, as you expand your message and reach to a wider audience, your bound to have some ignorant doo fus leave you a dumb (sometimes mean) comment from time to time.  

After having done this now for over 10 years, here's what I've found to be the best way to handle this kind of thing.

And if you're looking for something a bit more inspirational today Friend, here's a brand new 60 second video I juts recorded and uploaded from the mountains.

That one contains 3 of my top takeaways from a book i just finished called "Green Lights" from Mathew McConaughey.  

Those 3 lessons are pretty short, but pretty profound, all at the same time.  

All the best Friend, and please remember to "Be The Storm" and "The Lighthouse". 

The world needs your courage, tenacity, love and your wisdom.  

