Subject: The Evil Guru

Happy Sunday Friend,

I don't often use the words 'Evil' or 'wicked' because I find myself generally more drawn toward the light, but I have to tell you about something I read a while back, in the book of a popular marketing guru, that truly felt, like it bordered on belonging in one of these 2 categories.

The author was talking about finding & hiring the best 'Sales guys' and he said, 'Your best sales people will be one's that don't have any ethical or moral hangups with closing the sale.'

Like many statements we read or hear, this one was filled with a very dangerous half truth.

While it is true that some moral hangups with closing a sale, are unjustified (beliefs about recieving money for true value exchanged, etc) others, are completely justified and should be paid attention to, in my opinion.

Should you attempt to close the sale at all costs?

Should you ignore the fact that your product, service or offer might actually hurt people more than it will help them?

In my opinion, I'd much rather earn less income, and know that I hurt no one, and helped everyone I could, as I was climbing the ladder of succes.

After all Napoleon Hill did say "If you step on another man's face on your way up the ladder of success, you have made a mockery of the money you've earned."

Success can be a badge of honor or a crown of shame.

The choice is ours.

If you don't want to be The Evil Guru, or be tricked by one, here's the major point...

Always strive to put the other person's interest as #1 in all of your interactions.

Here's a brand new video I made, called Good Faith Vs. Bad Faith, that I think drives this point home nicely.  

Thankfully, I've found that not only is success possible when you do this, but it's much more satisfying and rewarding as well.

Here's to reaching higher in all our endeavors,

Paul Hutchings


PS - What I've written about in this email is the true intention behind the business and community we're building.

Check out what my friend Amy said about what we're building together...


I've been an online entrepreneur since 2004.

I've seen a lot of changes over the years, and I've seen a lot of companies and marketing strategies come and go.

Time marches on and things are always changing...

especially with the rate of speed that technology is constantly changing. Sometimes it's hard to keep up.

But what doesn't change over time are principles.

The same positive principles that have worked in marketing since the beginning still work today.

Principles such as gratitude and patience and discipline.

Principles such as practicing the Golden Rule and marketing with integrity, knowing that there aren't really any shortcuts if you are playing the long-term game.

And principles such as marketing without using hype and manipulation.

Usually, the companies that seem to stand the test of time are the ones that practice these priniciples... and the ones that market from a place of greed and hype typically do not.

There are many things about the online marketing space that I'm definitely not in alignment with... and unfortunately some of those things are what sometimes give our industry a bad name.

At one point I actually thought I was exiting the industry for good, because of all of the ways that I had seen it tainted with dishonest and/or greedy people. And because of all of the times I had been hurt.

Thankfully, I stayed long enough to find something that has zero things about it that I'm not proud of.

I found a company that was actually created because of all of the out-of-integrity stuff going on in the industry, with a desire and a commitment to be the change needed in every way.

I'll be honest, I'm not a MLM fan, and I'm pretty sure I won't be going back to that sort of thing. But I love affiliate marketing.

And I couldn't be more thankful that I found a home for myself online that is 100% in alignment with my values, my style of marketing, my desire to make a difference in the world, and my personal goals as well.

They even have the best affiliate program I’ve ever seen.

It’s a place that is committed to truly helping people to learn principle-centered marketing strategies that matter, and a place that attracts heart-centered marketers.

I sometimes still have to pinch myself when I think about the fact that a portion of every sale I make contributes meals to starving children around the world. This mission is so important to our community that we even went and packed the meals a few months ago together as a community.

This has become such a huge part of my purpose, and one of my favorite things about what I'm doing while I'm here on this earth.

Every once in a while, we get a voicemail from Jessica at Feed My Starving Children to let us know how many kids we have helped over the past few months.

We just received this one, letting us know that we provided 27,629 nutritious meals to starving children in just January and February of 2023 alone.

I cried when I heard it. It's unreal.

I have before and after pictures of some of the children that I keep on my desk. They remind me why I do what I do.

I could not be prouder to call this place home and to hang my hat here. And I could not love these guys more. I consider them 2 of my best friends, they are 2 of the most stand up humans I have ever met.

Every day I'm seriously blown away by the example that they consistently set for all of us... and I find myself loving them even more, even when I didn't think that was possible.

Thank you Mike and Paul for creating a safe and inspiring place full of love and integrity and heart where we get to be the change. A place that we can truly be proud of.

I love you, and I love this place.   

It's posts like this that make me so proud of what we're doing.

I didn't always build my business this way.

In the early days, I didn't know any better.

Now I do.

Thankfully I'm in a space today where if It doesn't make me proud - I won't do it.

If it hurts people - I won't touch it.

Life is too short to do things that don't make your heart sing.

Thankfully - we are building something here - that plays beautiful music in my heart, and the world.

And just like with any garden, we have weeds pop up now and then..

But the soil is good.

And the seeds so right...

That we have the power to pull the weeds when we see them, and keep growing into the garden we all want to be in, together.