Subject: * God * (put ya hands in the aiyah) ;-)

God. A very Interesting word, floating in the collective brain/heart consciousness, soup of humanity.

If/when I say the word “God”, I mean to imply nothing more than the divine idea, the highest good (whatever that is), an upward reach, a sense or source of O.G. Infinite meaning. ;-)  

There have been times it felt like inspiration was flowing through me, rather than from me. There have been times when ideas have flashed into my mind, seemingly out of the clear blue sky.

There have been times my soul felt as if it was wrapped in a warm blanket of divine presence and love.

And I’m sure, you have experienced all of these things as well, haven’t you?

Personally, for me, I don’t know that I would say that any of these things were God - definitely, absolutely, end of story.

I may feel they were, have faith they were, or hope they were - but I want to leave space for my lack of understanding… humility, to me, means to remain open and teachable. To be open and teachable means to be ok with the idea of, potentially, being wrong.

I once had the thought that if I were God, and I wanted to hide “the truth” in a place where all of my creation could have access to finding it, the best place would be to put it right inside the heart of each individual person.

When it comes to the topic of God, it seems to me to be, a good idea, to think of ourselves more like a newborn baby flower, budding from a soft bed of soil, reaching for and trying to understand the sun.

Heaven forbid I should ever lead someone to believe that I’m God’s representative or mouthpiece on earth, and then do something to damage their trust in me and thereby hurt or maybe even destroy their faith in something higher.

Maybe it is, that claiming to speak for God, and using that influence to wield control over the lives and decisions of others, is what is actually meant by…

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” 

After all, we’re all just little flowers, aren’t we Friend

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have an amazing weekend!

Paul Hutchings (Your fellow little flower) :-)

PS - We finally finished up the rental we've been renovating and I put together a new video and funnel page for it.

I'm hoping to use our funnel builder to make the rental candidate process a lot smoother.

I'm still working on the funnel, but if you're curious, you can check out the page with video & pics I made here, (to get an idea of where I'm going with it).

PPS - If you want to see what this place looked like when my tenant abandoned it back over to us, this is the video to watch.

Don't let this taint your view of rentals though Friend, in many years of enjoying residual through rentals, this is the worst example of a tenant experience we've had so far - and this tenant was selected by a rental management company we have since fired.

Upward and onward!

Oh, I almost forgot, if you want to check out our funnel builder to see if it might be something you could use for your business, here's the best link to watch the demo.