Subject: [NEW] how to close more sales with leverage...

Hey Friend,

I once had a mentor who HATED the phone. So much so that he threw it in the trash and vowed to never have another one again. What could have caused this strange behavior?

Funny enough, it was his success in network marketing.

He was building a downline in his Alaskan home town and he got so good at closing sales, his downline made his phone ring off the hook with 3 way calls. His downline was growing but the more and more success they had, the worse and worse his life got.

This caused him to eventually quit network marketing, throw his phone in the trash and vow to never do it again.

The good news is, he eventually got back into home business online and was able to create even more success for himself and many others (myself included) without the phone.

This created both wealth and time which is really what we're all after.

The fact remains though Friend, new people are new and therefore don't always have the credibility, belief and knowledge to answer prospects questions and help them get started in the same way that more experienced reps and affiliates do.

What can be done about this?

Here's an idea I came up with.   I recently designed a brand new page to help my affiliates and team members close more sales, using leverage - and all without me being there.  

Leverage = Doing more with less.

This page answers many commonly asked questions people tend to have after viewing our sales presentation. (a page like this can do the exact same thing for you and your team if you don't already have one)

A page like this, can allow anyone in your team to have high quality videos answers to prospects questions in a way that...

Leverages your time, the videos can answer versus you answering. 

Leverages credibility and skill, ideally these videos should be done by someone who has great answers to questions so you don't have to know the answers or be able to answer them. 

This is great also, because when your prospects see that they also, don't have to know all the answers to be able to help their customers, but simply point to a page with videos of someone who does - it builds belief that they can succeed faster.  

Leverages belief, the videos being done by someone who has a high level of belief which of course transfers over to the prospect.   As ol' Zig always said...

'Sales is not a thing in the world, but a transference of feeling.'

Leverages closing skills, because each of the videos ends with a call to action for prospects t to get started.  New people sometimes are hesitant to ask for the sale.   If you don't ask for the sale, when your prospect is ready, an opportunity is missed for a person to be served in a great way AND an opportunity is missed to grow your income.  

Even if you're not interested in what I'm doing to generate more residual income as an affiliate, and instead building an income in something else, this is a great page to look at and model, so you can replicate something like it, to help your team close more sales in whatever it is that you're selling. 

It's like having the perfect '3 way call' instantly on demand, 24/7, that answers questions perfectly every time, builds belief and closes sales without making you a slave to your phone, calendar or rapidly growing team.  

You can create a page just like it for your team, using our funnel builder

And if you want to work with me earning 80% residuals in our company, I'll show you how to use this exact page  to close more sales and grow your residual income faster.

Hope this at least gives you some ideas and thanks so much for all you to do work toward freedom and inspire freedom in others Friend.


PS - We are really growing as a company! If timing is right, would love for you to experience some of this...