Subject: [New] The Marketers Hypnotist

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I interviewed a guy who's been a professional, full time hypnotist for the last 21 years. Not one of those stage performers who make people cluck like chickens or strip tease for laughs,

...someone who has worked 1 on 1 with clients helping them to let go of disempowering beliefs and create change.

The interesting thing about this particular hypnotist is that he has a background in home business. In fact, one my dear friends and top affiliates in our company knew him from network marketing meetings in Colorado back in the day. (They were in the same company).

Anyway, here's the link to the video replay in case you want to watch it. 


PS - We just crossed over 2,000 active subscriptions in The HBA.. WAHOOO.. So exciting and amazing to see how fast this is growing.