Subject: How 2 Think Like A Cool Billionaire

Hey Friend,

A brand new Elon Musk interview popped up on the net yesterday and of course, I devoured it as fast as I could.

I learned a long time ago that 'wealthy people think and act in certain ways' and I concluded that if I could learn to think and act in those ways, I too could become wealthy.

Anyway, I picked up a few nuggets that I wanted to pass along...

👉Read broadly and gather as much information as you can.

👉Strive to be useful

👉We should strive to increase the scope and scale of human consciousness

👉Wealth is not a zero sum game. People don’t have to lose in order for you to win. The pie is not finite, it has gotten bigger.

 👉‘I’m not a religious man’ but when we launched the civilians into space ‘I got down on my knees and prayed.’

I admire Elon Musk for a lot of reasons. One of which is his humility.

How could the richest man on the planet be humble?

How could someone who many perceive to be arrogant - be humble?

I talked about humility on my latest podcast episode


Why I Teach My Kids Not To Be Humble

Of course that’s a play on words because I do value humility, it’s just that I think many of us have the wrong definition of what humility really is.

If humility means weak, self deprecating, perceiving yourself as and being less than you can be…

I don’t want any part of it.

But if, on the flip side, humility means teachable, then I think we’ve hit the jackpot of why so many wise souls view this quality as a virtue.

Elon Musk is one of the smartest people alive and maybe it’s because he knows the limits of his knowledge and is always expanding the edges.

I think you could also argue that the positive sense of humility, may also have something to do with our relationship or perception of self, within the wider context of other people and the divine.

If we believe we are better than others, or less than others, we’ve missed the mark on humility.

Equality of human worth is an important aspect to humility.

A better engineer does not equal a better human.

Someone who has less financial resources than another, does not make them ‘less than’ as a person.

When it comes to humility and God, if we are teach able, I think that says a lot.

The moment we close the cover of the book on an important subject and say ‘That’s it, I know it all’ - we’ve lost that positive character attribute of humility.

The fact that the smartest engineer on the planet, got down on his knees and prayed when he sent a group of other humans into space, even though he’s ‘not a religious man’ shows that he realizes he does not

know everything, nor does he have all power.

To me, this speaks humility.

Hope you enjoyed these little nuggets as much as I did Friend, and that you can use them to attract all the wealth, freedom, joy & happiness your heart desires.

In Freedom,


PS - There are only a couple days left to lock in lifetime 50% residuals on this super awesome personal development app that my best buddy Brandon has been developing for the last 2 years. I share the power this app has had on my life here in this video, and even if you don't pick up the app - I truly believe the tips in this video can help you a ton, especially if you're not already in the habit of doing them.

PPS - 'Let there be light!' :-)