Subject: 'new years goals are worthless without this..'

Hey Friend,

Last night I called my friend Todd to thank him for picking up the personal life compass app I mentioned a couple times in the video I sent out yesterday and while we were talking he told me...

'New years resolutions are worthless without something like this'

He also told me that after he went through the app, he immediately went and showed his daughter Terra because he was excited about what this could do for his whole family.

In case you missed the video Friend, or it was just too freaking long for you to watch (I get it)... I wanted to give you a quick rundown of the app I mentioned, that I've been using.

With this powerful little app you can...

  • Set up a digital vision board

  • Set goals

  • Have a digital coach in your pocket to guide you through a powerful morning routine each and every morning so you can start the day in the best way

  • Keep an online journal

  • Plan your day

  • Keep a gratitude journal

  • Have a digital daily 'to do' checklist that makes a cool little noise when you check off your completed items for an extra hit of dopamine. :-)

  • Keep track of your affirmations

  • And so much more...

If any of this sounds like it would help you, you can get it all inside this little app for just $5.95 a month. PLUS, if you decide to become a member before the end of the year, you can be locked into a 50% residual referral commission rate as an affiliate to share this with anyone you feel would benefit.

This app was designed and built by one of my very best friends and I've been using it and providing feedback on it for over a year.

Anyway, I wanted to be sure and get you the info so you don't miss out on the affiliate deadline, if it's something you might be interest in using or sharing this coming year.

Have an awesome day Friend, and please let me know if you have any questions.


PS - Thank you, thank you, thank you to Todd Geese, Robin Williams, Suzy Price, Mike Hobbs, Rob Skinner and Jason Stewart who saw my video from yesterday and decided to set this app up for themselves.

Super thankful for you guys!

PPS - Here's a picture of me with my friend Brandon (The dude who created this amazing app)