Subject: 2 Great Network Marketing LIES...🤥

Hey Friend,

Saturday I talked with a friend of mine named Joseph, and he told me about a recent experience where he'd gone to a network marketing meeting.

By the end of the phone call, I knew why it was unlikely he would ever build a real, stable, long term residual income in that company, or ANY company like it.

I made this short 58 second video this morning to explain and you can watch it now, if you want to click this link.   

Aside from that, I have to tell you about a really neat experience I had this morning.

My oldest son Kayden decided to wake up at 5:30 AM and go to the gym with me for the first time EVER!

LOTS Of reasons this was exciting to me, but here's one I hadn't anticipated.

My friend Nick nailed it in this comment to my post on Facebook.

During our time this morning, waking up and working out - sure we had plenty of time to talk about exercise & nutrition... But when we got home, we sat at the kitchen table drinking one of my famous Protein hot chocolates... :-)

And we talked and talked and talked...

He asked me questions about life, business, politics, philosophy, school - ALL KINDS OF STUFF!

And we had a chance to just sit there and be with each other, developing our relationship.

This was SOOO priceless to me... and I hope my other friend Ray, was right when he said...

I truly DO hope I can be a blessing to my son. I hope that my example and my words can serve him, so he can grow up and be happy and successful in life.

This was one of those moments, that was FAR more valuable than money to me, but money (to have the time) made it possible.

'What I want for myself, I want for others.' < - Jones of Toledo

This is why we started The Home Business Academy.

To help people be FREE as fast as possible, and to do it in a way that makes them and the world better in the process.

If you're hungry for more freedom in your life Friend... and you haven't yet gotten started with us, watch this video, choose to get started by clicking the button right below that video and filling out the form, and I'll send you a special welcome video I recorded to show you the fastest way to get into action so you can get the results you desire.

And if you're one of the thousands who have already gotten started with us, my advice would be to go through all our products, and begin attending our live masterminds so we can help you get into the right actions for your better future.

Bye for now Friend...

Paul Hutchings

PS - Check out this screenshot I just took this morning of the results we're producing together...

DANG! That's a LOT of residual income ain't it Friend?

Plenty more of it waiting for you...

This is the place to start.

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