Subject: Your Support Makes All The Difference

As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with gratitude for the generous support from donors like you. Your commitment to the AFSA Education Foundation and its mission to advance financial education have played an important role in empowering thousands of learners across the country with the skills they need to navigate their financial futures.


Promoting financial literacy not only empowers individuals to make informed decisions but also contributes to the overall economic resilience of the communities we live in and serve. Thank you for being a driving force behind our success.


Today is Giving Tuesday, and we aim to continue building on the support of our dedicated network of volunteers, donors, and partners. If you are interested in making any end-of-year donations to the AFSA Education Foundation, you can do so HERE. Your contributions make all the difference and we appreciate your ongoing engagement with our organization and the work we do. 


Kindest regards,


Rhonda Ashburn

Executive Director

AFSA Education Foundation


P.S. If you prefer to donate via check or give a gift of stock, feel free to contact me via email at and I can assist you.

As a result of the generous support of our donors this year, the AFSA Education Foundation was successfully able to:

Publish an updated MoneySKILL® Impact Evaluation highlighting the long and short-term benefits of the program to students.

Conduct a national awareness campaign promoting MoneySKILL to over 4.5 million individuals during Financial Literacy Month in April.

Complete a full review and update of all 37 modules within the MoneySKILL curriculum focused on keeping MoneySKILL relevant.

Top Donors to Date in 2023

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