Subject: Finally - Great News

And a Hint of Peace

July 27, 2023

Scott McKay Wellness Center


Ukraine Peace Deal?

While The War Continues


Scott Ritter Exposes Criminal Zelensky

Starting With The Great News

"Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter, unveils a fascinating wellness center based on principles of energy medicine."

That's the subject of a genuinely "good news" interview between Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) and Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter.

I received this link from a FABulous subscriber who said rather cryptically, "worth a listen."

Indeed it was - especially to learn about how this use of frequencies has benefited so many people.

We hear about Medbeds being available for all, sometime in the future - but there are other modalities, based on light and sound and frequencies, that are already available - and increasing in numbers and facilities all the time.

I was particularly impressed with the way Mike Adams used frequencies - including a tuning fork - to heal a severed finger too!

The relevant links that I noted down are:- (McKay's center in Texas). (lists available centers in the US)  (McKay's website)  (Mike Adams referred to it as an open-source Internet option where he is developing systems that will include an emergency broadcasting service that can't be attacked and a way to store Brighteon videos so they cannot be deplatformed, or censored.   That's all I know about it. ).

and of course, this video on Brighteon -


PS:- I had major issues attempting to establish a Substack account and finally decided to leave things as they are at present.

I will naturally continue the newsletter, and do more articles on my website blog, and as well as Rumble and Bitchute I will also use Brighteon as one of my video channels from now on.

Ukraine Peace Deal? - While War Goes On.

Millionaire Zelensky Among "Friends" .... See Scott Ritter Link below re Zelensky's many mansions - and crimes.

Benjamin Fulford Report: Ukraine Peace Deal Reached Between NATO and Russia

By Benjamin Fulford

An agreement to end the Ukrainian war was reached in principle last week following high-level negotiations between British MI6 Intelligence and the Russian FSB.

The details will be negotiated over the coming months sources in both agencies confirm.

The basic outline of the agreement is as follows:

Russia will get the entire Ukrainian Black Sea coast.

The city of Odesa will become a demilitarized free trade zone to allow Ukrainian trade to proceed smoothly.

The country of Abkhazia will be internationally recognized and be turned into a free trade zone. The war criminals in Ukraine, including Vladimir Zelinsky, will be removed from power and face justice.

Read More:-

Moscow hit by drones as Russia strikes key Ukrainian export route on Danube near Romania

Two drones were reported to have hit buildings in Moscow early on July 24, according to the mayor of the Russian capital, with media reports saying debris was found not far from Defense Ministry headquarters.

Elsewhere, Russian forces struck port infrastructure on the Danube River in southern Ukraine with exploding drones early on July 24, wounding seven workers and destroying a grain hangar and storage for other cargo, the Ukrainian military said. It said that Ukrainian forces downed three of the drones.

The Russian Defense Ministry later claimed that Ukraine tried to attack Crimea overnight using 17 drones, but that the attack was foiled and that there were no casualties.

Scott Ritter Exposes Criminal Zelensky

A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky - Part 2

An Adventure Book By Michael Knight

I really should have titled this one, Adventures of a Misfit, because that's really what it's about - my early years during which I had a lot of adventures, a number of life-saving moments and a lot of questions.

You'll also see the price is currently reduced by 25%.

5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderfully amusing

Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2023

Verified Purchase

This story took me back to my youth, sometimes wayward, as was the author's. His adventures reminded me of bygone days, when kids could play outside, with no worries of molestation, and could have great adventures, as long as we were back in time for supper. We had opportunities for biking, swimming and raising a little hell. Highly recommended!

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