Subject: Quakes. Troops. Crop Circles.

Weekend Special Report.

July 21, 2023

The New Madrid Fault

Brain Strain

Troop Movements

Nibiru / Planet X

Crop Circles/Aliens

by Michael Knight

First, a welcome to new subscribers.

I sincerely hope you'll find my newsletters and videos to be something more than an echo chamber about current events.

This one is certainly different, in that it is longer than usual, and it's about a subject that does affect the world as we know it - and the future that is foreseen.

It has the potential to affect each of us, in very personal ways.

However, it is not about President Trump, or Ukraine, or the Black Hats and White Hats and the ongoing war that will eventually unseat the oligarchs, cartels and politicians who have been trying to destroy America and control the whole world. .

I have covered those subjects consistently for many years - but this time, it's time for a change of pace and a change of subject.

Therefore, may I suggest that you set aside time to use this article as a starting point for your own additional research over the weekend.

Nor is it intended to be a quick read. In fact, it could take quite a bit of time to not only read what I have condensed as best I can into this article, but also to follow through and explore the source material and additional links.

Again, welcome all, and now let's get on with it.


From time to time one of my long-term subscribers sends me emails specific to the New Madrid Fault that runs up the Mississippi River in the US.

He also links to a website that has been around since 1995 - and I have known about it myself for well over a decade.

Usually, I follow through on his links, and decide not to include the information in the newsletter.

That's because as an editor, one has to decide what to use and what to spike.

I'm an old school reporter and former national news editor - and as such, got into the habit of avoiding certain subjects - back then.

Although I have personally had "alien" and UFO experiences, it hasn't been something that I would regularly use, especially if the subject matter seemed to verge on the subject of ETs, Planet X, and predictions or warnings about future events.

However, what I've learned, slowly and over long years, is that if you don't keep expanding your mind, it shrinks. Just like physical loss of muscle, the brain starts to decline in strength as well - and before you know it, you're going deaf, both physically and mentally - the mind begins to contract.

The only way to fix that, or at least to slow it down, is exercise - mental exercise in particular.

While I like to use the term "Old School," which suggests that journalists of the Old School were somehow better than today's facsimiles (which is true in many ways) back then, certain subjects seldom made it even to the back pages - and if they got anywhere near the front page or as a lead story, they would be written or presented with a degree of skepticism, doubt, or even a sarcastic closing statement indicating disbelief.

However, you don't have to be a journalist at all to put limits on what you're willing or not willing to look into - and it is those personal choices that set the limits on what we are prepared to put our minds to.

I now believe, for example, that the mind has no boundaries, other than those we choose to fence it in with. I also believe we don't have to believe everything, because every belief, when it comes down to it, is incomplete. The same can be said of opinions.

If we are not willing to at least look at new information, and wonder about it as possibilities, or even shards of truth, or as observable facts (such as the overnight appearance of crop circles in the UK), what are we? Close-minded?

I personally like the corollary to that - to be open-minded, "but not so open minded that your brains fall out."

In other words, be prepared to explore new territory, but do it like a scout sitting on a hilltop, watching what's out there, but net yet committed to advancing. Observing first - because there's always more to the story, and some stories are serial in nature.

That has been the case with these emails. They have been excerpts from the website

So today, I followed through, and located the Zeta Talk Newsletter. The first thing that struck me as odd was the header, dated three days ahead of time:- "The Zeta Talk Newsletter
Issue 879, Sunday July 23, 2023, Weekly news and views from around the world and beyond."

Of course, it's not uncommon for a newsletter to be written over a period of days - sometimes weeks for some articles - and scheduled for future delivery, which seems to be the case here - and that observation is reinforced when you get into the length and breadth of coverage in this upcoming issue.


You've perhaps read my oft-repeated personal way of handling new information - especially anything that has an expected date of occurrence attached. My way is to "wait and see."

The Zeta Talk Newsletter was writing about the New Madrid Fault when I read it in 2010. I knew the New Madrid Fault had ruptured in the past with devastating consequences, so it was therefore highly likely that it will do it again.

But when?

That was my "wait and see" moment, because nobody knows, and "when" is an entirely open question.

However, 12 years later, and with every tick of the clock, each passing day, year or, perhaps, decade, the event is getting closer - which gives us time to understand the forces involved that create such massive earthquakes. And that's what this issue of the Zeta Talk Newsletter explains in great detail.

It is the event, and its predicted consequences, that is important - not the date.

So today I read an update from what I read back in 2010.

It includes this surprising paragraph:-

"What will happen when the New Madrid Fault Line starts to rupture in earnest? The Zetas have described this as unzipping up the Mississippi River, disabling all the bridges that cross the Mississippi, creating havoc in cities along the Seaway where the Fault Line runs, and opening a void at the Azores which causes a tsunami heading for Europe." 

That sort of information certainly gets the belief/disbelief brain cells vying for supremacy. However, as usual, curiosity wins and I read the entire article.

It includes this:-


US Coastal Air Space *** Locked-Down ***
July 12, 2023

Something is going on off the United States coastline that has caused the government to issue a Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) closing the air space over waters along much of the east coast from Boston to south of Washington, DC, into the Carolinas, even off Miami, FL,  citing a "DANGER AREA." At this hour, it is not known what the "Danger" may be.

And this:-

Crop circles are something the mainstream press avoids like the plague these days - but the genuine ones do have a purpose.

It may not be easy for a pleb like me to understand, but it is certainly a mind-expanding subject.

Couple that with this mention of the planet Nibiru - which has also disappeared off the radar (pun intended) or at least off my personal radar for many years.

"ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/1/2023: What appear to be cloud waves rising through a Sun Halo is a lower atmosphere phenomena caused by the dual effect of light rays coming both from the Sun and from Nibiru."

More down to earth is the fact of water temperatures around Florida rising to as much as 90F.

What's that about?

And that brings to mind something I researched and wrote about many years ago; 2010 in fact. (Which was just another "wait and see" moment).

 It's not mentioned in their newsletter, but it pertains to the Atlantic Current that circulates up the coast of Florida.

It's known there are the Gulf Stream.

So what are 90 degree water temperatures doing to that conveyor belt as it circles through the Gulf and then up the east coast in the Atlantic ocean?

It's a surface current in that part of its global circulation, and serves to keep the climate in Europe in its current state. But if/when it quits, it's Ice Age time for the UK and Europe.

Again, wait and see - waiting to see if these elevated temperatures DO stop the Gulf Stream.

You'll also read about reservists being activated - but with a different take on that compared to speculation that they're heading for Europe.

Tying It All Together

These images (above) convey the message, throughout the Zeta Talk Newsletter, that the planet is constantly moving under our feet - and massive, beyond belief earthquakes have indeed occurred in recent (geologically speaking) times.

For me, therefore, it is no big stretch at all to expect The New Madrid to rupture.

I am not alone in that. Others, such as Stan Deyo, have been foretelling or warning about such an event for decades.

The above image is his depiction of what could conceivably happen to the Mississippi Valley and the East Coast should the New Madrid go ballistic.

For myself, having studied, researched and written about earth changes for many years - without my brains falling out - it is no big stretch at all to expect The New Madrid to rupture, especially having been personally surprised by a fairly major earthquake and feeling the earth move under my feet while in a highrise building many years ago,

Time Out For Old School Movers and Shakers.

Totally off topic, but the mind has a way of shifting gears faster than any automatic you can imagine.

Just that mention of being in an earthquake set me back about 40 years, instantly recalling this song titled "I Feel the Earth Move."

It's a great song from the music industry version of the Old School.

So here we go, for those who remember when music was real music, and lyrics were the telling of a story - and one's mind could get all twisted by emotions, and we'd imagine the woman (or man) we had just met was the personification of our dreams....

Whether or not you skipped that, my experience with earthquakes in real life means I am prepared in case (or for when) the west coast US gets hit by a super-shake.

It's never too early to be prepared.

As for the Zetas - I find their information as relayed by Nancy Lieder to be informative, fascinating and extremely wide-ranging, while my own research into aliens, UFOs and crop circles is also quite extensive,

And I must admit to liking this crop circle video very much - because it too has enlightened alien overtones.

It has certainly been one of those things that has helped me pry my brain out of its "Old School" skepticism and disbeliefs.

 This version even reveals who the perpetrators were - and why. It is now available on the recently-established RSE YouTube channel (that's the Ramtha School of Enlightenment). Their other videos are also fascinating...if your mind is stretchable. Only 1:39 viewing time.

Watch here:-

Research Suggestions

For additional research into tectonic plates, earthquakes, and how the planet is in constant change, I have found DutchSinse to be of great value.

He explains how the energy that is compressed within and released by tectonic plates sliding alongside each other, or over, or under their neighbors, keeps shock waves constantly circulating - which really does seem to act like a zipper that sometimes gets stuck, and then is suddenly released.

He's been at this for 10 years or more, and his videos - and expectations - are very helpful.

His video at the next link includes the possibility (expectation) of an M6.0 or greater on the US west coast - WA, OR, CA, before July 23.


Zeta Talk Sources

The newsletter from which this article is taken is at this link:-


Lieder spells out her mission statement on her home page

And there's an archive of past newsletters here including another one ready for July 23.:-



Michael Knight.

Be well - prepared.

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