Subject: NNBA Entrepreneur News ~ Secret Formula for Personal Achievement ~ Nurture Marketing

Presidents Corner
November 1, 2022
Dear Nurses,

Nurses are no longer willing to accept limits placed on the course of their careers. From nurse entrepreneurs and innovators, to nurses creating new paths as clinicians and educators, we are re-framing an exciting future! Nurses make great business owners, and the NNBA is dedicated to advancing and promoting nurse’s role in business.

Our annual conference provides a wealth of information on entrepreneurship, business development, best practices, and emerging opportunities for nurses. Here is the information, criteria, and link for #NNBA2023 Call for Speakers . The deadline is January 5th, and we will notify the speakers selected by February 1, 2023.

Our winning entry of last newsletter’s give-a-way is Krystle Maynard, DNP, MSN, RN-SANE. “I came across the NNBA in the beginning stages of setting up my own side nursing business. I have never done anything on the business side, so I knew I needed all of the resources and support necessary to work toward success. I write healthcare content and assist with digital marketing strategies for healthcare companies. Until I stumbled upon this idea, I had never heard about it and never thought I would be starting my own business. I was drawn to what the NNBA stood for and its dedication to being a resource to nurses in business. I am still a beginner and continue to learn a lot, but I am getting there. Nurses are versatile and smart and capable of more than "just" working at the bedside; the NNBA helps us see that and helps get you going” 

Articles of Interest:

There are many different ways to deliver content: social media, blogging, video, audio but don’t forget one of the most important ways, email. But how do you get your emails to rise above the noise? How to Nurture Leads with Email Marketing is an excellent article with valuable statistics that will help you better connect with your customers.

Research shows that perfectionism hampers success. How to Let Go of Perfectionism to Succeed Faster is a difficult concept for nurses because in our patient care, it has to be perfect. In a business environment and as a business owner, things don't need to be perfect. This article definitely helps nurse entrepreneurs to let go of the tendency towards perfectionism.

Being a student first, as Jim Rohn was known to say, is one of the six elements in the Secret Formula for Personal Achievement. I believe the last two lines of this brief, but powerful, article are the best. What about you?

Nurses with an entrepreneurial spirit see opportunities and gather resources to turn a possibility into a reality. You can check out the resources in NNBA’s E-Learning Center where you will find affordable e-sessions covering marketing, sales, writing, speaking, coaching, consulting, eldercare, patient advocacy, finance, legal, and education topics. Discover how your diverse experience as a nurse translates into high-demand and emerging business opportunities.

Unconventionally yours,

© Michelle Podlesni 2022 All Rights Reserved. This newsletter may not be 
reproduced in any form, whole or in part without the author’s permission.
Are you a member of the NNBA Nurses in Business Community? If you want to create additional streams of income, have increased marketability and a competitive advantage in the business of healthcare you can click here to JOIN:
Articles of Interest
How to Nurture Leads with Email Marketing

Marketing Insider
We all know the internet is a wildly interactive and creative place. This is a bit of a double edged sword for marketers.

This interconnectedness allows you to deliver content in different many ways: social media, blogging, video, audio, and a host of other interactive platforms. Plus, let’s not forget email.

On the flip side, it allows all of your competition to do so as well. So you need to make sure your content and emails rise above the noise.

Email marketing is very much alive. It has withstood the test of time and remains a strong force to contend with in lead generation and management, as well as customer engagement.
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How to Let Go of Perfectionism to Succeed Faster

Filiz Behaettin
Perfectionism. The word that breaks or makes a person strive to reach the top of their game. The dictionary states perfectionism as the ‘refusal to accept any standard short of perfection,’ whereas my definition of the word goes more along the lines of a ‘beautiful way to hate life and send yourself to the grave early.’

And before you inundate my inbox with hate mail, hear me out. I am not saying those who identify themselves as perfectionists are ill-mannered or have the wrong intentions. What I am saying is if you want to succeed and get ahead in life, perfectionism will not get you there any sooner.

Striving for the best
Sure, a person should and can strive to have the best in life.
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Secret Formula for Personal Achievement

Jeffrey Gitomer
“Going for the gold” is wrong. Being the best you can be in order to earn the gold, or get the gold is a surer path to success. What path are you on?

Are you the best at what you do?

Everyone wants success, but very few achieve the success they dream about. I’m on my journey just like you. In the process of studying, I came to a realization about personal achievement.

Last week and this, I’m sharing a personal achievement (secret) formula I accidentally uncovered.  
Discovering the formula was an accident but there are very few accidentally fulfilled people.
The NNBA is the #1 trusted resource of helping nurses succeed in business. We have been in the business of educating and empowering nurses through entrepreneurial models for the past 37 years. Over the years, we've had thousands of testimonies on the transformative quality of being a member and attending our annual educational conference on nurse entrepreneurship. Nurses make great business owners!
NNBA News - Volume 22; Number 11.0
Michelle DeLizio Podlesni - Editorial Director -
Lou Podlesni - Digital Editions Director -
Hart Healthcare Solutions, LLC, PO Box 272, Winchester, TN 37398, United States of America
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